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"Big" Girl's Game Night by Leon 13

"Big" Girl's Game Night

Leon 13

I finally decided to draw something with my own OCs. This one was inspired by an adorable story I commissioned from Yosh-E-O , where Takoda, following a short period of streaking, discovered her best friend has the same interest as her, and the fun begins.

So here we have Takoda and Kendra, clad in thick diapers, enjoying a gameplay session on a PS2 emulator fighting game about hotties in skimpy outfits and bazongas.

I attempted another tough angle here, meant to look at the girls from behind as they lay on the floor. Like most of these attempts, it came out flawed. Not really sure how to draw legs at this angle. Any advice would be appreciated.

Visual Description:

Kendra lays on the left clad only in a white disposable diaper with teal alligator prints. He holds a controller in front of her and looks over at Takoda.

Takoda lays on the right. She is clad only in a dark blue disposable diaper with gold star prints. She also holds a controller in front of her and looks over at Kendra.

In front of them is a laptop which displays a 2d fighting game with a green lizard lady with big breasts and white bra and panties kicking high above her opponent, a white tiger in a brown loincloth and bra (also big breasts), preparing to thrust a katana at her foe.

To the left of the laptop is a package of diapers. To the right is the end of Kendra’s bed. In between the two girls is Takoda’s discarded black panties with tan trim around the waistline.

Kendra says “Maybe sometime we should have a pillow fight to re-enact the fighting style of this game, we’re just as scantly clad as them!”

Takoda replies “Hehe, better make sure our diaper tapes are tight, otherwise a snapped tape could cause an instant K.O”

Submission Information

Visual / Digital