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Leanna's maturity and dressing with her powers by Leomane

Leanna's maturity and dressing with her powers


Well this is the first time In a while that Leanna has shown up and again it feels amazing to come back and update some of my oldest standby characters, this time is a bit more of a departure with showing a much more refined and updated and mature Leanna Binstar.

With a renewed feeling and more maturity in her Leanna is now far more open and less inexperienced, also seems that her maturity has let her dragon powers show up brighter than ever! With her being a full dragon she has the ability to “grow” ( more like summon ) ethereal wings, also seems shes looking to change up her style too with a fresh braid on her hair and a bit more tone as well as show off her body more, much to the gangs approval. Appears that she also doesn't mind that someone has stepped on her in mid change while she is admiring her ethereal wings that are still coming in.

This was again a TON of fun to do and to come back to Leanna and have her get this update feels like I've levelled up too and heh I know I gotta work on showing it better but her wings are very much transparent with glowing edges and small particles and flakes of “magic” coming off them ( maybe in the next version or in an update ) I know it was also fun to do a little cheesecake as they say and show off a more feminine form as its good practice!
Not much left to say but enjoy!

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