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On The Web by Laszlo (critique requested)

On The Web (critique requested)


What great pun... Such original thought and creativity...

Meh, I'm not the punman

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Visual / Photography


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    I feel like i should say something lol. I went through your gallery and your camera work is great! And your camera itself is pretty impressive as well. It makes me feel bad to see you with so little views and favorites but I think I can understand why hah.. I think insect photography may not be up... many people's alley. I for one am not fond of insects xD However i found all of your photos to be really interesting! I hope you get the attention you deserve, even if it isn't on this site in particular. And I hope you don't let a lack of views and attention get you down!

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      Thanks for the kind words, I'm very flattered. Nice to hear you like my photos. I know what you mean, insects aren't the cutest creatures around, nor are they the easiest to relate to, but in a mad sort of way, that's why I like photographing them. They need a PR boost :D lol. Don't worry, it'll take more than a lack of views to get rid of me, lol. Thankyou again :3

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        Not a problem! If anything, your photos have already given me the opportunity to see new things. I don't think i've ever seen a cranefly or a damselfly. I personally think that the blue damsel fly was really pretty. I doubt i'll ever get a chance to see something like that around here. So I already appreciate your photos! Thank you, too. ^^

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          It's really nice to hear that :) It's a pleasure hearing that my photos are actually showing people new things. Out off curiousity, where abouts do you live? Craneflies and damselflies are quite widespread, you never know what you might find near you :3

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    i actually live in Delaware, in the US. Not a something I am particularly proud of, mind you. But I don't get to see a lot of wildlife. I do get to enjoy watching squirrels play from my third story apartment porch lol. But then again I try to avoid insects sooo.. haha. I am sure that even if I had seen i might not be able to tell the difference as anything with long legs and wings reminds me of a mosquito

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      I'll admit I had to google where Delaware is, my only consolation is that I've heard of it before, lol. Watching squirrels sounds nice and relaxing, although most animals are pretty relaxing to watch :) That's understandable, a bit like where I live, any fat, dark flies instinctively make me think of horseflies O_O

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        Haha not sure if I have seen a horsefly before either. I don't know much about them, though I think I have heard once that they bite. Do they bite? They must have made a nuisance of themselves. lol I believe you live in Ireland, am I right?

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          Horseflies are distinctive looking things, they have coloured stripes in their eyes and mouthparts like scissors. Very sore to be bitten by, lol. Yeah, I live out in the countryside near the border, it's a nice enough area :)

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            ouch that sounds more bothersome than mosquitoes hehe.

            I bet you get a lot of other nice wildlife out there huh? Can't say I've ever lived anywhere countyside-ish. Or at least not IN the countryside. I have lived in a small town outside of it once, but it wasn't a place for wildlife, and not a very pretty town either. I used to walk outside of town and there would be plenty of fields and open space, however. I like that kind of scenery. There were deer, too! Sometimes in the winter, the fields reminded me of Bambi when his mom was.. you know x3 So.. pretty... but also not lol. Does it snow in Ireland, I wonder?

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              There's quite a lot of nice wildlife about the place, although it's hard to get into the mountains to actually get photos of them, lol. That sounds like an unusual place, but at least you could get out of the town for walks. Bambi type scenery sounds lovely :D it snows in Ireland, although not usually until January.

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                Hehe well its not so unusual when you think about it. Again it was a small town but it was once very industry heavy, and surprisingly enough, survived the stalk market crash back in the early ninties. So it makes sense when you think about it. Plus a highway runs right through the middle of it, parallel to a river with a couple of locks... I'm rambling, sorry @_@

                In any case, I personally love the scenery I had seen from Scotland, and you guys are just south of that country, right? I'm sure your lands are very similar, and its all very nice. I envy you, really I do. I've always loved "the city" for its liveliness, but at the end of the day I wish I could relax somewhere quite and serene lol

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                  *stock market @_@

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                    *early 1900's God I'm so sorry, I'm so tired right now >.<

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                      lol, for some strange reason I like the concept of a stalk-market :D sounds like it would be fun. You've been to Scotland before have you? It's got some beautiful areas there, especially in the highland region. Ireland if just across the sea from Scotland, to the south-east. Very similar sort of environments though, although Scotland tends to get a bit more snow :D

                      I understand that feeling, the only drawback about the countryside is the lack of livliness to it.

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    Hehe, well my mother was to scotland so I got to see many pictures first hand, including our clan's castle Donottir or however it is spelled. I truly wish I could go, I may just find a tidy little rock and hide under it so I never have to come back lol. But yes those lands are quite gorgeous. I was in england for a time. About a month. Mainly on the Isle of Wight with my ex mate. I did not get to see much wilderness there either, but what I did see while I was there was fantastic. it's a whole new world over there, in some of those older places. I don't believe even our cities and towns are quite as amazing as it is in Europe. I think I could go on and on that tho xP

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      That's pretty cool, I must say, I've always loved scotland. There's some amazing places to see, haven't actually been to the isle of wight though. lol, I can see what you're saying, there's a good few centuries of history in the towns and cities around Europe. Depending on where you go of course.

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        Indeed! And I love me some history lol. I especially enjoy when places have a historic look about them. It's really quite charming. Though I admit I know nothing about Ireland. I've studied a few things in the past though, including the birth of the IRA..... lolol......Not sure how you feel about that, but if I recall they once had good intentions, and I sometimes take interest in past "rebel causes" and so forth heh. Aaaanyway....

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          History is one of my fav subjects. It explains so much of the world. Ireland's an interesting place, a lot of people I've spoken to who've lived here, but are orriginally from somewhere else, always seem quite surprised by how different various areas of the country can be, in terms of accents, sports and geography. I admire their old, good intentions, although they've largely descended into little more than smuggling gangs :) you sound really interesting

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            Thanks! I love history too, if I haven't already conveyed that lol... Though I'm more of a fan of ancient history. Romans, greeks, egypt is by far my favorite. I'm actually writing a novel and egypt was a huge inspiration for the central culture of the people in the book, hah. It's really fascinating. If I wasn't so ready to go into game development I would probably try to find a career in that subject area. And though it is kind of a darker subject, I'm kind of into war-time stuff of those eras. My interests span up through to the late 17th century europe, I'd say, which is why I enjoy learning about older uprisings and rebels with a cause haha.. American history is by large uninteresting to me. lol Sorry for rambling again ^^;;;; just like history stuff