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The memories we share by KyleWilliam

The memories we share


I seriously can't stop drawing these two.
In fact, their individual appearances alone greatly outnumbers all my other characters' appearances combined in my art archive.

As always: errors are present within my drawings.

Johnson and Carter are © kylewilliam, me.

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Visual / Sketch


  • Link

    they are adorable. you draw them well.

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      Hahaha You really think so? Thanks!

      And thanks for the bulk of favourites as well!


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        yes I think so. your art style reminds me of myself when I started drawing.
        but better =3

        no prob. keep it up.

  • Link

    I seriously love these two, always such great emotion with the way you draw them too.

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      Wow really? Thank you!

      Yeah, they have been through one heck of an uphill battle together, especially during their childhood. The majority of it is not easily forgotten. They may be in a much better state now than they were before, but every now and then their past would get to them. And usually those memories would hit them hard.

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        But of course, I very much look forward to catching your work in my feed. I'm uncertain to how much of their background is mirrored in reality, but it always appears to come across as very genuine, which really strikes a chord. Though, if I may ask, is Johnson meant to primarily represent yourself in your drawings (as he is in your avatar)?

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    Only to a certain extent. You see, almost all the characters presented here are from my dreams. And those dreams are quite vivid, each one being a continuation from the last. It's essentially like walking into a completely different life on a completely different world every time I sleep at night. I am myself there(but my age and life experiences are different making me a person who is the same as here yet very different), and almost all the characters I've shown here are actually my family members there -- Johnson is my grandchild.

    Now, I may not have gone through the exact things Johnson (or Carter) has gone through, but whenever I chat with him(and I really enjoy chatting with him), I realize that a handful of him is quite relatable to myself here. Insecurities, fears, the need to just fit in, ...sexuality(though I'm asexual while he and Carter are gay so I don't know if this completely applies).

    As for Johnson being my Avatar, ...well I just need it to be. Technically I could still use the faces of the rest of my characters. Still, I think Johnson is the most suitable.

    There's quite a lot of things to stomach actually, so it'll be hard for me to tell you the exact sequence of the story or events in my dream without you first knowing how everything in it works, which is something even I have difficulty explaining despite the fact that it's my dream.

    Either way, thank you for your comment. :3

    • Link

      Thank you for the detailed reply, I cannot say that I would have envisioned such a unique process behind each piece. I like to consider my own dreams as reasonably vivid, but's never anything quite like that...I wish I had more reoccurring dreams. Perhaps I should revisit lucid dreaming...

      And I think I understand in part. In fact, a good number of my own characters would boil down to essentially 'half-truths' or idealistic portrayals of some of the people in my life...making most of what I draw, either part catharsis or part vicarious living. Whether it's painting over the ugly parts or just plain nostalgia, I know I've personally found a good bit of truth in the notion that 'art is cheaper than therapy' haha

      And as I've said before, I think these two are super adorable, so it certainly seems like a logical choice of an avatar! Thanks again for taking the time to give a glimpse of the motivations behind your work, I'm not sure I could follow their entire background even if you were to attempt to detail it...but I would certainly love the chance to draw these two at some point in the future if you'd allow me! :3

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        "Thank you for the detailed reply, I cannot say that I would have envisioned such a unique process behind each piece. I like to consider my own dreams as reasonably vivid, but's never anything quite like that...I wish I had more reoccurring dreams. Perhaps I should revisit lucid dreaming..."

        Lucid dreaming is nice.

        Usually I would have a normal dream first, and then transition into the reoccurring dream through through the lucid kind before I realise that I no longer have control over it and that I've woken up in said reoccurring dream. And the funny part is that myself over there would brush off myself over here as just a mere dream. Luckily I'm not confused as to which is which... XD

        "And as I've said before, I think these two are super adorable, so it certainly seems like a logical choice of an avatar! Thanks again for taking the time to give a glimpse of the motivations behind your work, I'm not sure I could follow their entire background even if you were to attempt to detail it...but I would certainly love the chance to draw these two at some point in the future if you'd allow me! :3"

        Thanks, and you're welcome!

        Oh, and sure! Go ahead and draw both of them if you like. You have my permission! :3