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Black Towers Tile Set 1 SC by Kyanbu

Black Towers Tile Set 1 SC


Finally finished the 1st tile set for the Black Towers. The idea behind this area is a mysterious, mystical, rundown, tower that shares a connection with the Castle Of Dreams (Which I still havn't named yet) and the Phantasms (the monster of the game). While the tower only appears at night, it's still centuries old. With moss, fungus, and other plant life grown/growing through the cracks and holes of the structure. Powered and lit up by old spell glyphs and ancient magic tech long since outdated.

So far it'll like be one of the larger areas to explore. At the very least I don't plan on scraping any of the rooms already made for it. The big question would be how to make it worth taking a look around for a bit. Since the rest of the game's stages will be much more narrow, and semi-Linear (more the one route to take in each stage).

So as it stands it could end up standing out compared to the rest of the game. And could be a nice return point to stock up on powers ups (if I decided to go that route).

Like with the previous tile set. This is a place holder and may get altered and/or replaced before the final build.

Black Towers (c) Kwame A. Fletcher a.k.a Kyanbu

Artwork by Kyanbu

D-universe D-Resonate and all releated projects (c) Kyanbu

Submission Information

Visual / Other