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SCibot - 4 Lightning by Kura

SCibot - 4 Lightning


Crimson Masquerade's Model #4
Element / Name - Lightning
Weapon Specialty – Duel Daggers

Model Information = Lightning prides himself on being able to get a job done fast… but most of the time is pretty sloppy about it as well… He loves racing and has a tendency to be over enthusiastic, is also very loud and very talkative, and hardly ever sits still. He is also addicted to coffee and sugar, though he very clearly does not need either, though scientists try to keep these substances away from him he always finds a way into them.

Lightning is very messy, as he doesn’t like taking time to waste away cleaning, I mean, what’s the point to that? It’s only going to get messy again later right? Not to mention there are like… a million other things you could be doing that are way more fun. Lightning’s mind also tends to wander, and often you’ll find when in a conversation with him he’ll try to talk about 500 different things at the same time. Lightning’s favorite thing ever is specialty coffees, those are just like… THE GREATEST INVENTION EVER RIGHT!?!?!

Lightning does not get along with Earth, he’s just so sloooooooow and boring, how can he stand doing things at such a slow pace all the time? Life is only fun when you’re racing through it at break neck speeds. The other SCaibots for the most part put up with Lightening, except for when he gets bored and amuses himself by shocking them with small electric currents cause their reactions are just so hilariously AWESOME!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital