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SCaibot - 5 Earth by Kura

SCaibot - 5 Earth


Crimson Masquerade's Model #5
Element / Name - Earth
Weapon Specialty - Axe

Model Information = A very calm and easy going model, very strong and is able to lift the most weight out of all the models, but is very prone to completely spacing out. Will sometimes just stand around completely dazed and unaware of what’s going on around him. Scientists think this might be caused by some missing commands or files, but have yet to pinpoint what’s missing… as everything looks like it’s all there… he just act’s like it isn’t.

Though most would get bored watching plants and grass grow, water flow or rocks… do nothing… it is actually Earth’s most favorite past time. His most favorite thing is watching cacti grow, as he says the 4 months it takes for them to start sprouting is very much worth the wait. If there’s anything Earth likes more than watching grass grow it’s napping. It’s just so nice to spend the whole day napping. Birds have been known to make nests on his head because they easily confuse him for a tree. He’s stays that still all day.

Earth does not get along well with Lightning, Lightning is just too much energy for Earth to handle how someone could be so jumpy and spastic and not take the time to just relax and enjoy life is something Earth could never comprehend. It just seems like a waste to be rushing around like that.

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