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Ingenuity and Irrigation by Kullenuska

Ingenuity and Irrigation


The hard-baked ground was particularly stingy that season, withholding all moisture under the relentless eye of the sun.
Only the more delicate flowering plants under the protection of the shade of the farmhouse were thriving, their own
personal sprinkler providing them with fine and refreshing mists every morning and evening as the sun's watch passed on
from the capacity to boil the water as it sat on their thick glossy leaves.
Hot and dusty from traversing the fields, Rooth noticed this stark difference in plant life. If only there were a way
to get this sprinkler water over to the crops - surely these farmhouse ones could spare their water intake for one morning?
Maybe he could get a wonderfully cool shower out of it, too.

A commission for the wonderful Rooth! He always has the best ideas for commissions, they're such fun to do.
This one was a bit difficult since the perspective was so different to what I'm used to - it took quite a few revisions to get it to a standard I liked x_x
Anyway, here is Rooth'ragon with his portals, making that sprinkler mist into something worthy of watering a large field... and taking an extra large shower!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Oh my goodness! This is amazingly shiny and the wetness effects and the shading and... oh my god the detail in that foliage! :D


    Expect some business coming your way xD

  • Link

    ^ I helped get you some business? COOL! =) Though I take very little credit. I just conceive. You did all the hard work!

    Thank you so much for that. This is a fantastic macro/portal piece. Exemplary, I'd say! WOOT!