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Commission Rates 2015 by Kullenuska

Commission Rates 2015


I've remade the commission list into something much more flexible - flat rates were usually unfair on me as I'd spend more time on complex characters and lose out on the cost/time ratio it took. So!
Look at that dinky little flower clock design. Unfortunately everything's squished into the first five hours because I'm too fast @_@ so that'll be something I'll have to work out in later sheets because it looks hella cramped

Times stated below are typically the average I spend - specific things may take more or less time than what is stated, so if you aren't sure how many hours you might need, please ask!
I also provide examples on request!

Sketch: 1/2 hour, ~$10 Rough black lines with rough flat colours added. Smaller than a rendered piece.
Flat Colour: 1 hour ~$20 Smooth lines, solid colours, but no shading. Perfect for ref. sheets!
Speedpaint: 1 1/2 hours ~$30 Fun with brushes. Especially effective with low-detail or scaled characters!
Celshade: 2-4 hours ~$40-80 Smooth lines, solid colours, solid shading.
Portrait: 3-4 hours ~$60-80 A painted bust of your character. Simple, emotive, and often fun and full of detail.
Character Painting: 4+ hours $80+ A fullbody rendered painting of your character. Can have textured and/or transparent background.
Added Background: These can be added with any full character painting or celshade pieces as additional hours.
For instance, if you ask for a background on your character painting but don't want to buy more than four hours, I'll cut an hour off the character painting time to put into the background, which means you'd get less detail than you might want.

All contact is to be made through email only! This is for the sake of keeping organized - I forget to reply to notes, and then they get lost. Emails are a lot easier to sort out.
Email is at KullenArt @!

SFW only - I strictly do not do artworks depicting genitalia or pornographic material. If your character is nude, I will make them smooth as a barbie - including nipples.
I will also not depict hateful, illegal or discriminatory behaviour.
Gore is fine, but discuss it with me first.

All prices are in USD, through paypal only.
I will do payment plans for pieces over $150!
I can also work to specific deadlines within reason.

If you cancel after the drawing has been started, you will receive only a partial refund, depending on how much time has been spent so far.

I don't need a specific reference sheet - any images are fine - as long as you can provide descriptions of whatever needs adding or changing if the image is missing things! I can also work off descriptions, but keep in mind that you will need to be contacted frequently for it so that I get it right.

The character depicted is this gal here and she belongs to me!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Dang the CAD dollar for being really ugly right now.
    $40 painting turns into $55 lol
    I have some thinking to do before I contact you. ^^;