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Not So Valen-tiny (f dragon water-inflation) by Krafty

Not So Valen-tiny (f dragon water-inflation)


There’s a new antagonist on the scene who goes by the name “Bigfoot”, and she’s fighting back at the tyranny of the status quo! This mysterious, masked, zentai-suit clad, mawashi-rockin’ dragoness is making her villainous debut by striking a blow against the crass commercialism of a greeting-card-holiday built on shaming singles and aromantics.

She’s emptied an entire warehouse full of Valentine’s Day chocolates (into her belly), and would have made off like a bandit… IF she hadn’t gotten greedy. That massive 20 lb, 2-foot-wide, heart-shaped box was simply too damn tempting. It was also a booby trap! Instead of 20 pounds of chocolate, the box contained a VERY cranky luvdisc. This shiny, water-type Pokémon was conscripted to keep this holiday-chocolate hoard safe from just such a threat.

“Bigfoot“ (definitely NOT Mae the dragoness) is being Hydro-Pumped full of an absurd quantity of water. Her Kaonashi mask (from “Spirited Away”) does nothing to fend off the geyser of retribution as she balloons in all directions. Her zentai suit is bursting open all over, revealing her face, tail, and bulging flesh. Her ponderous feet are swelling obscenely as the mawashi strains to contain both a torrent of water and a warehouse-load of bon-bons!