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Random by KittyRedden



No real point, this is just the kind of shit I send to my husband. Nothing is serious when you chat with me on a regular basis.

Sorry for no warm-up today. I spent the morning fixing a leak in my kitchen sink (look at me being all handy) and decided to work on the next Adventures in Dan comic. I think I'm gonna push those out to once a month to give me more time to [s]cum/s come up with ideas because the well is running kind of dry.

What else is going on? Got my dick pic the other day! Spent all day chatting with the guy, sending him nude art I'd drawn instead of nudes of me because who wants that shit and avoiding his attempts to sext, instead trying to keep up a dialog about sexual preferences and experiences. Wow, run on sentence. Sorry, not sorry XP While I had a blast talking to the guy and realized I really do need someone(s) I can just randomly talk to, at the end of the day, I told Blue it was a lot of work for a dick pic. lol He directed me to the DickPics4Freedom subreddit and told me to have fun. XD

Finally, I learned a valuable lesson yesterday. Don't make random observations about mental health on social media. Everyone will just tell you to get your ass to a hospital. Okay, that's not true. I got some virtual hugs as well, but really, both my SIL and MIL were like "Hospital. NOW" and I'm just like "I'm happy and hyper, I just also happen to be suicidal today. No biggie." Not a big secret, I'm depressed and suicidal. I'm in therapy and on meds. So, what did I say? "Feeling suicidal without also feeling depressed is probably one of the weirdest feelings there is." And it's true. I felt like I was super anxious and on fire. I was obsessing over how I wanted to kill myself and what I would say in my goodbyes and stuff. Meanwhile, I was all smiley and bubbly and hyper. Not the first time I've felt that way, just the first time I said anything about it. I ended up talking to my SIL for over an hour on the phone about it and she invited me to fly out to her place to get away from life, but I don't know what their internet situation is like, so why risk it? XD

SIL = sister-in-law
MIL = mother-in-law

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