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Bill and Johann, or "Verdammt! Bill! Use a coaster." by KaevielEff

Bill and Johann, or "Verdammt! Bill! Use a coaster."


Meet William "Bill" Burgess and Johann Strecker, proprietors of the Lion's Den, a popular bar in the college town of Felton, MA. They've been together for nearly 20 years now, meeting when the then 26-year-old Bill was an active monster hunter and tracking a Wendigo on a killing spree - a creature Johann was also tracking due to his own personal needs (I.E. harvesting uneaten organs of the victims so he could eat them - he is after all a cursed immortal being). Somehow, after an encounter involving Bill bludgeoning Johann with the butt of his shotgun into unconsciousness, the pair became friends - then lovers, and, eventually, husbands.

It's not a perfect relationship. Johann bristles at some of Bill's less refined ways (he's always wearing flannel, tosses empty tall boys in the sink rather than the trash can, and doesn't follow modern popular culture), and Bill gets annoyed at the way Johann nitpicks over some of his habits and loves goading him into an annoyed state. But they love each other and are deeply devoted to one another (though that doesn't preclude the odd extramarital encounter), and they make their marriage and their business relationship work.

These sketches are by Aosii, and I think they came out quite well. I love Johann's expression - just so annoyed. So very, very annoyed. And Bill just looks so smug about it. LOVE IT! Bill and Johann are creations of my mate, Joseph, and part of my M.E.A. project.

Also, as I'm about to finish deleting all the M.E.A. submissions out of my other gallery, I will preserve the comments Joe and I made on that piece, with Joe making Bill's responses while I handled Johann's!

Bill: Ain't nothin' wrong with usin' a sink as a temporary receptacle. Ain't like I let 'em pile up past the rim or anything.

Johann: We have a trash can. Is it really so inconvenient to go the few extra feet to throw it away?

Bill: Yes. Because I'm practicin' my throws from the bed. I can't hit the can; it's around the corner. You know that, dammit!

Johann: Ack. Why are you even drinking in bed? What if you spill it on the sheets? Do you know how hard those stains can be to wash out?

Annnd that's as far as it went because holy shit life happens and we get distracted. But fun times anyway. :D

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch