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H&L meets DMZ by Jonesy95

H&L meets DMZ


Here's a little drawing project I did over the last couple of days. It's based on one of the 'Body of a Journalist' chapter's titlepages that really stood out to me in the comic DMZ, which I decided to try and recreate using Human & Lupusad. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to scan it properly, and had to make do with a photograph.

It follows roughly the same format, using close analogues where possible;

  • The top row is dedicated to a cityscape with a faction logo. In DMZ it's New York with the Free States of America logos, here it's Esterton with the symbol of Albevion.
  • In addition to the sub-title, the next row contains a minor yet important character. In DMZ it's Matty's news contact, here it's Jessamine and Kasa.
  • The row after that holds a view of a building (in DMZ it was a bridge, but here's it's just the shelter's sign) and some medicine (in DMZ it was a vial of pills, here it's some laudanum plus Zyanya's mortar and pestle).
  • The bottom row has the main female character (Zee in DMZ, Zyanya here) and a vehicle (Humvee in DMZ, sailing ship here).
  • Finally, there's a two-cell image of the protagonist, with the line break obscuring their face. In DMZ it was Matty, and here it's Jakob.

While my creative skills still clearly lie with the written word, I'm still quite pleased with how this turned out.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch