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Salmon (2014) by jiasaykea

Salmon (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Salmon (Determination, Virtue)
Salmon leaps upriver to find its birthplace. Salmon live in, and near, tributaries of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Salmons lay their eggs and are born in freshwater before migrating to the ocean. Famously the salmon will return to the place of their birth to spawn, starting the cycle again. Because they must swim against the current, and often leap up small waterfalls, salmon became synonymous with determination. Once salmon have hatched they will live in the ocean for several years to grow before reaching sexual maturity. Female salmon will create a depression in the sand, or gravel, to lay her eggs and will wait for a male salmon to fertilize the eggs before partially covering them. Salmon serve as prey for otters, birds, and bears; the latter of which will linger near spawning sites and catch salmons as they leap upstream. When they are young and making their way downstream salmon will eat insects, both terrestrial and aquatic. Once salmon reach the ocean they will eat a diet primarily of smaller fish, marine insects and carapace-free crustaceans.

Salmon are a popular food choice among humans today. They are often commercially farmed in addition to being caught in the wild. Featured heavily in Celtic mythology salmon was considered the oldest animal and possessed great wisdom. This wisdom may be the virtue best attributed to salmon. In Norse mythology the god Loki once transformed into a salmon to escape the consequences of a trick he instigated. When the other gods tried to catch him with a net he leapt over it, but his tail was caught by Thor, which is why salmons have tapered tails. In many Native American traditions salmon is the keeper of inner knowledge and wisdom. The Haida tribe in particular saw salmon as sacred. Although eating salmon was common there were many rituals surrounding salmon, and respecting the food was incredibly important. The word somersault may have its roots from the idea of leaping and tumbling like a salmon; a salmon-sault. Because of their ability to lay and fertilize so many eggs, salmon have also been linked to concepts of fertility and plenty.

When salmon leaps into a reading it may represent a need for extra determination. Is it time to go back to the beginning? Do you have the determination to do what you need to, even if it means swimming upstream? Are you embracing and displaying all of your virtues (especially wisdom)? Salmon is linked to the element of water as well as the ocean and freshwater biomes.

Astrology- (Celtic Aug 5- Sept 1) This Celtic sign is naturally intuitive. Those born under this sign have a unique view of the world, making them excellent poets. Connected to the Hazel and also known as The Knower, Salmon people tend to be well organized. This sign has a tendency towards isolationist behaviour and may have low self-worth. Clever Salmon has great attention to detail. Salmon may be introspective but when they surface they bring insight and a brilliance they should learn to accept about themselves.

(Native Jul 22- Aug 21) This Native sign is focused and energetic. Intuitive Salmon has no shortage of friends because of their generous nature. Salmon works best when they have a goal and have a highly developed sense of purpose. Those born under this sign need to be cautious of being intolerant and egotistical. A natural motivator, Salmon is intelligent and has great ideas; even if they seem a little strange. Enthusiastic Salmon may even be sensual if given a chance. Their calm demeanour can hide great depths.

Stars and Constellations
Inspiration, Wisdom, Rejuvenation, Inner knowledge, Reincarnation

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