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[Request] Pieko by Jaegren

[Request] Pieko


This is for my dear friend, Pieko, who made the fatal error of saying, "Whatever you want!" when I asked what I should draw.

I have actually tried about a dozen sketches of Pieko, but was thoroughly unsatisfied with them, and started this last pose as a joke, because it is quite un-Pieko-y. But, once I had started, I really liked it. So that, my friend, is why your stocky, scaly little fu dog is ultra-feminine here! I inserted myself in the foreground corner with all my failed drawings just to illustrate the frustration that went into it. The little sketches are mock-ups of the actual failed sketches. And a weird background, because I'm too lazy to do real backgrounds.

Anyway, I rather like how this came out. I went a little shine-happy on the mane on all Pieko's curls, but, as of this moment, there's nothing that particularly bothers me about this. EDIT Yes there is. FA doesn't show it, but I drew tiny little individual scales on Pieko that cover the whole body.

If you like what you see here, visit my page and request one of your own! Whatever you like, for FREE.

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Visual / Digital