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Colors duke... the colors by ironblade87

Colors duke... the colors


Not sure about the upload policy towards colored work here but due to the overwhelmingly positive response to the colors that I have put on this bad boy I will give it a shot.

lines by Steve McNiven
colors by me
Kick-Ass © Mark Millar & John Romita Jr

Dave has been pummeled...

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    You're fine dawg. And the colors on this is rad!!

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      Thanks man, a lot of these are uploads from almost five years ago on FA and the descriptions are the same. I have a technique using opacity with layers and multiply with layers sandwiched in between that keep the linework on top but have the colors bleed through and lend a type of shading. This is mostly flat color with the exception of the eyes, a lot of the amazing shading goes to Steve McNiven who made the cover.

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    Well I am new to FA as well even though that account is shared with a good friend of mine who happened to drag me there. Not to mention that I am new to Weasyl as well but an old timer on DA.

    And it doesn't matter if a piece is uploaded eons ago, because the beauty of any piece for that matter will always be something fresh to a new user. And as for this piece I personally adore the paint on it even if it is flat. The greatness comes in that this was a collaborative effort and not solo which can be tricky if both parties are not on the same boat. Hell it might even be so delayed to the point it will never be put up on the web.

    Also not all of my work are here but they are mostly on DA. Hopefully in time I'll be able to make both FA and Weasyl as part of my main art submission.

    As for your own PS skills and technique goes, I can totally relate to what you did and it is super!

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      I definitely wish I could meet Steve, I greatly admired his work and wanted to try my hand at some color which is a major challenge for me as I'm pretty damn colorblind. Reds, browns, greens, oranges... Magenta spectrum I think, any amount of red in something and I cannot figure it out.

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        It takes a while but you'll get used to it. My recommendation so that you won't get lost or have a hard time in figuring out which colors to throw in on a painting is to learn how colors favor each other on a their when you're painting a piece; be it may cool or warm colors.