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Lauren, The Writer by IridescenceStudios

Lauren, The Writer


I thought about this recently and figured it deserved to be up here on this account. Inspired by an idea from  emeraldskunk some years ago it seemed to make sense to have a picture of me doing what I love to do, which is writing.

My journey has taken some twists and turns but I'm closer now than ever before. With each hoof forward I get closer to being ready and I've got some big plans in mind. As long as I can remember I've always been inventing stories. It was only in recent years I really got good at it. I spent most of my twenties putting together ideas that while they led to greater things in hindsight really just didn't make the most sense when viewed objectively.

However, I learned a lot, about myself, about storytelling, character development, and many other things.

This year I recorded and edited my first video project. I figured out how to stream. I've plotted ideas I won't get around to writing for a year or more but that's how I work, well in advance.

Thanks to some of my writing inspirations I learned the importance of consequences in writing. Everything you do matters. Even if it doesn't seem like it does, it matters. Every character has to have a reason, both for being there and for what they do. Even if it doesn't make sense to you, it has to make sense to them. Arcs and multiple plot threads have melded themselves into my style letting me do more with the same amount of pages than I ever could with a single narrative.

I have a long way to go, but thank you to everyone who has supported me over the years. I'm looking to do great things, but like Lauren and the rest of her team, I can't do it without the love and support from you guys.


Art by   foxene

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Visual / Traditional