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Spirit by IndiWolf



He's actually loosely based on one of the characters from my comic.. I really need to work on that more..

Traditionally inked and digitally coloured via photoshop.

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    Digging that necklace! Looks so amazing, I have to admit I would love to see you make a comic, even if it was only a short one, would totally buy that, maybe offer custom slots for people's sona's as well if they fit the theme / look ^_^

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      Thanks hon and yea, I really need to get back into it. I was recently looking back at all my concepts and man.. I was so passionate about the story, I just tend to scare myself because I really want to do it justice. Must practice all the writing! lol
      I was thinking about doing a few short ones to get myself back into the swing of things but the custom thing does sound fun :)

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        I can understand that! Ive felt over-whelmed by the commitment of a comic before so ive always started and then....just never made it a reality but, I guess we need support and that push to make it a reality. You can always do comics in the same universe as your main one but smaller side stories to get you ready for doing a big comic perhaps? If you ever needed any help I would be here as a support for you, even if its just shouting support from the sidelines aha :D

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          Damn, barely slept last night with all the ideas I had last night.. I think I may just be inspired lol
          Yea, I was thinking about sorting out a semi timeline and having some adventures within it. It makes it difficult since I tend to learn the story myself along with the reader so a lot of stuff haven't been sorted and it's definately subject to change :P
          but yay, encouragement always helps <3