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Cinder at His Happiest by ilbv

Cinder at His Happiest


You will never really find Cinder in a good mood unless he has ilbv safely trapped in his stomach. That way no danger can come t him and Cinder can go about his life worry free.

He is 40ft tall and 65ft long with a wingspan of 150ft. Cinder cannot or does not speak English, he doesn’t really speak at all. Cinder can still communicate with facial expressions and growls. He does not tolerate fear or weakness but loves to instill them in his prey.

Cinder is 110% Predator and you do not want to mess with him. He can breathe fire hot enough to melt diamonds and he has teeth as sharp as glass. He will not hesitate to use them either. Cinder has claimed ilbv as his own personal human and snack from time to time. Cinder loves to scare ilbv and makes sure to be angry at him most of the time. Cinder rarely cuddles and that is an understatement.
The only reason Cinder didn’t kill ilbv upon their first meeting was because Cinder had never seen such a more pathetic excuse for a human being and for a moment felt a twinge of pity towards the human he had trapped in his clutches. ilbv had been crying with terror when Cinder had caught him, he thought he was truly about to die, and when Cinder just let him go and took off; ilbv couldn’t believe it.

Cinder has grown so fond of ilbv that he cannot stand the thought of losing him, so he keeps ilbv basically imprisoned. Cinder does accept a few of ilbv’s friends and family once in a while and doesn’t mind if ilbv goes off with them, but he doesn’t want ilbv going off alone and he makes a firm point of showing that to his human.

Cinder’s closest dragon friend is ryuujingekijou who is one of the only dragons who can speak to Cinder.

BizzareBlue is so generous! He completely surprised me with this gift.

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