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Dream 2-28-14: The Best of Jeosen by Hexadoodle

Dream 2-28-14: The Best of Jeosen


This was pretty cool! In last night's dream I saw about half a DVD's worth of animation and games. (Though the games were intended for a mobile device). They were all created by a Flash god who only went by Jeosen.

First on the left was a story/music video of a punk rock girl, telling the story of her breakup.

Games were to the right, and the one I remember was called "20/90". It could be played single or multiplayer, and you had to do 20 tasks/problems in 90 seconds. Sometimes it was math, or trivia, or even staring at multiple videos at the same time looking or listening for a detail. Extremely difficult to make all 20.

Second on the left was a story starting with an overnight bus trip. Then various animals appear, destroying things and holding up the bus. The animals had gained a surge in intelligence overnight, and were still sharpening very rapidly over the course of the animation. Very chaotic, and yet created with this soft painting style that was difficult to emulate in Flash.

The last one on the left was amazing - two scraggly little animal characters representing Jeosen and a friend tell the story of their lives in the form of a rap odyssey. Lyrics scroll along the bottom with red and black backgrounds. They ramble about the good times and the times they just scraped by, and they pause right before the year to date, 2013, and there step across the threshold, taking new, more refined forms, and inviting 2013 to bring it on.

The rest I made up, didn't actually see in the dream:
Pleisosaurus 1 is a dino racing game.
Sketchy is a skateboarding game where you get points for tricks, chains of tricks, or wipeouts. You even get points for discovering hilarious glitches.
The third to the left is just some dude in space.
The last one on the right is an alien game. The object is first to figure out the rules, then to win.

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Visual / Digital