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Wildcat Studies -- Sketch Dump 260114 by Heskynn

Wildcat Studies -- Sketch Dump 260114


Wrong date but oh well.
I'll be keeping these things limited to sketch dumps here and there, preferably large ones rarely rather than small ones a lot.

Studies of comparisons between the Wildcat and Ocelot's facial shape and expressions.
Studies of movement (closest comparison:Tennessee walking horse), poses, shapes at different angles.

Still debating if the visual similarities between the Metal Gear and the AI are canon or not, in illustration they're simply to reinforce the link between the two and give a relate-able face to the machine, but in canon? The AI wasn't a mistake, so it's plausible that the designers did have him in mind when the proto-type was built, but I think it's going to just be 'one of those things' and implied that it's just the way he moves and acts that makes it seem like there is a visible similarity.

The Wildcat's non-extended quadruped gait is timed thus to stop his back legs impacting against his front, this is not an issue in a full extension gallop. Typically however the Wildcat was designed with the normal bipedal stance in mind, even if I don't draw it as often.
Naturally unbalanced and agile on two legs, the Wildcat constantly shifts and adjusts it's centre of balance to avoid swaying or even toppling.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    Apologies for the favebombing but klajhsblkjabskjhb ROBUTTS AND METUL GEEAAAH

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      That's quite alright, I certainly don't mind ^^ I'm happy you like my work!

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    I love the motion in these sketches