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Easily Blinded by HereifAnywhere

The moon if beautiful tonight." she said. "I will have to take your word for it." I said.
"That is right," She sighed, "You are blind. Were you born that way?" "No, I was able to see for most of my life." I said. "It was only recently that I lost my eye sight." "Really? What happened? If you don't mind me asking." "Not at all," I said. "About three years ago I came across a sight that was too great for my eyes to handle. At that moment I knew I no longer needed to see anything every again. What had stolen my eye sight was enough for me to live on for the rest of my life."

"Really? You lost your eye sight to just seeing something great?" She asked. "What was it?" "It was a person I lost my eye sight over." I said. She let out a sigh with a blush. "You are talking about me aren't you?" She said. "Yes, it was three years ago that I first saw you." "Well I am sorry I stole your eye sight." She cried. "Do not be sorry, It was your smile that I lost my sight too, not your tears. Today I have recovered my my vision, from down here on one knee,looking up, and asking you, to marry me."

She said yes, and I never have been happier to see my future with her, the rest of my life next to the one I love.
My sight has returned, only to be stolen by my children's dreamy eyes and hopeful wishes of their own future.
I cannot see where they will go or what they will become. All I know is that I am happy to know them as my children given to me by the women I love. Soon I will see once again when tears fill my eyes with my children's goodbyes, and my wife drying my eyes. I will see them go, and be happy, that I got to live such a great life.

Easily Blinded


I do not know what to say here.

So hello.

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Literary / Story



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    daaawww.... I was here expecting more corpse-eating coyotes roaming ghost towns, and you surprise me with this cute thing? And written in the first person! Are you thinking of proposing someone yourself?

    By the way, your text could benefit from a little proofreading. I know how it feels, tho. I never want to set my eyes ever again on anything I've written, hehe...

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    Sorry it was just an idea, that I wrote down,

    I am not planning on proposing.

    Yes it could benefit with proofreading but like you said I write them and leave.