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Blizzard Wizard Lizard [WIP Sketch] by Hazel3

Blizzard Wizard Lizard [WIP Sketch]


What's this? OwO Finally a scalie for once?? Yiss! This is a new character that's included in my novel! His name is Blizzard, he's an ice wizard, who is also a lizard..who has a bit of dragon features too, so probably part dragon, maybe part hooman too cos of the hair and the very very short snout
Anyway, I was sorta inspired by helioptile from pokemon while coming up with my own ideas :3 Helioptile reminds me of the kind of art I use to draw alot as a kid ^-^ especially the expressions on the face are very much alike ^w^ Anywho, Blizzard's colours wont be anything like helioptile's, they were just an inspiration for designing this character so no worries! There is a huge difference between inspiration and copying/plagiarising, and sometimes the things I love (such as pokemon for example) can really help with inspiration ^-^

Some basic info about this character, he is rivals with Thunder and often competes with whatever she does just to be better than her, but then Thunder does the same thing anyway sooo..vice versa? XD The two of them tend to be a bit on the arrogant side, they both like to show off and try to be better than each other. Outside their rivalry, Blizzard is very friendly and likes to impress his friends with all the different kinds of ice magic he can do. Thunder on the other hand is willing to take risks, but she will do it for her friends ^-^ They're both nice, just not to each other... ^w^; Like Thunder, Blizzard attends the crystalness magic school where he studies magic along with the other mages

Please do not steal my character(s)! They belong to me, not you.
Don't add offensive tags cos ya know, it's just unnecessary.. ­ ╮(╯-╰)╭
And please do not criticise! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that.
Oh and don't steal any of my artwork in any sort of way. ‾ʌ‾

Pleease be nice when commenting!
Yep, fanart is welcomed as I truly appreciate gifts! ≧◡≦
Feel free to check out my other works too! I work so hard but it's always fun :3

If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.
Thanks for checking out my works! meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ