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Burrowing Owl by Haubitze

Burrowing Owl


Today was "Giving Tuesday", so many charities and organizations were matching donations given. Stupid me donated on Monday, so I donated again today as well, both to the Audubon Society and the American Bird Conservancy. Even with the holidays stressing budgets and making wallets mighty thin, I try to make a point to donate to several places throughout the year. I would much rather do that than buy myself a new game or something that may bring me entertainment for a couple weeks, then I'll lose interest.

tl;dr BOIDS

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    I am a bird of prey rehabber. Coming from someone who works in a non-profit field thank you so much for giving to those who care and help these amazing animals. Both those societies are amazing!!!

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      I try to give a significant amount to both of them whenever possible, I know they do great work. I wish there was an easier way to donate to specific rehabilitation centers as well, though. Sometimes it's hard to even find out about local ones, and even harder to find a way to donate to them. The one bird of prey rehabilitation center closest to where I live is practically invisible. It's a total pipedream, but I wish someone would organize a listing of centers from all over, and ways to donate to them.

      Thank you for all that YOU do too, though! As far as avians go, I mostly just work with songbirds. I can only imagine the insane time and effort that goes into rehabilitating birds of prey.

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        It would be nice to have a master list and how to donate to them, ours has a paypal donation on their website, i wish other places would do the same it's really helpful for people who want to donate.