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Interns of the Traverse Astrological Society by hambor12

Interns of the Traverse Astrological Society


A group of three (Ezrael and Raelez occupy the same cosmic space and cannot exist at the same time) college interns each specializing in some form of astrology/astronomy. Also, all of them are close friends of Mags and Rigel.

Ezrael Dreamberg/Raelez Nightmare - Light/Soul divination
Cosmically conjoined twins, they're aware of each other and their strange metaphysical condition. It can be best described as "Object-Weapon duality from Problem Sleuth, except on twins". They don't share much aside from a friendly attitude and a Realmkeepers Character in Tomas's RPG Group.

Kahni Adhranarhi - Scientific probability calculation and statistics
A very, very intelligent human who despite attending a school on divination, is comically skeptical of astrology. She is more into the school for its lauded astronomy program and utilizes complicated probability equations that end up just being identical to divination. Devised the Fission/Fusion "not a spell", which is mainly used to briefly separate Ezrael and Raelez.

Masano Komainu - onmyodo, 12+1 Beasts-style astrology
A folksy komainu and practitioner of Terra-2's zodiac-based divinations. His family runs a noodle shop neighboring Mags' Nana's general store and thus is very close to the Napolis. While his interactions with Mags can be seen as romantic by others, they're just close platonic friends. Besides, Masano already has a boyfriend... the feared Dweller Bounty Hunter "Rip-Terror the Slaughterer" a.k.a. Stanley Slaughter (pronounced Slaf-ter).

The visual references to Asriel/Ralsei, Connie Maheswaran, and Komasan are intentional, as in a previous iteration of the Teambase canon, they were literally just those characters. Now, they're like... characters clearly inspired by those aforementioned

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