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Senior Class by hambor12

Senior Class


The Senior Class, Melissa's co-leaders of the Esper Sanctuary and part-time psychic sentai team dedicated to helping the espers of the galaxy. Their Princes of Lust and Envy were lost before the rebellion... though a pair of dewott twins match their description.

Mastema, Prince of Wrath, has the power to Agitate. This manifests most often in pyrokinesis by way of agitating molecules.
Hubrecht, Prince of Pride, has the power to Borrow. This allows him to "borrow" the qualities of things or even intangible concepts with enough energy.
Argent, Prince of Greed, has the power to Plate. They can affix anything to anything else and turn anything into "armor", regardless of shape or material.
Vektra, Princess of Sloth, has the power to Relax. She can generate a localized field of "Relaxation" of variable size, with effects ranging from reduced (relaxed) gravity to inducing sleep. Think Luigi's Negative Zone.

Melissa, Prince of Gluttony, has the power to Lead. This really doesn't do much aside from give Melissa her unbreakable will. Not that she really needs a command word.
Agnes, Prince of Lust, has the power to Attract. This manifests in Agnes's electromagnetic powers (though dampened at first).
Tomas, Prince of Envy, has the power to Stop. Initially thought to be basic cryomancy, it was actually Tomas "stopping" atoms and inducing absolute zero.

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