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Commission: New Heights by Hakunaro

Commission: New Heights


~ o ~

"Guys! GUUUYS! You HAVE to try one of these!" Flora yelled joyfully, as her body started growing larger.

Just a few minutes back, Sky, Star and Flora were just taking a stroll outside when they suddenly discovered a mysterious cave entrance. Being adventurous souls, it didn't take long for them to go spelunking. Inside the cave, they found a small, grassy field. Thin lights came down from small cracks of the ceiling. In the field, there were a few bushes holding strange, but somewhat familiar fruits.

"These berries look like one of the berries I always have with me. You know, the ones that turns you into a giant! But... they're kinda different," Flora said. "I should have stopped growing by now, but.. I still keep growing!" she explained, trying to hide her excitement.

"Flora! What did I tell you about not eating anything you see?" Sky grumbled.
"Aww, come on! Don't be such a party pooper," Flora pouted, still growing and almost reaching the ceiling of the cave. "There are lot's of berries to pick from! Come on, go for it!"

Sky sighed and picked one from the bushes, observing it very closely.
"Nah, I'm good," he refused. "Who knows what will happen? I might outgrow the planet or something," he said jokingly.

Just moments later, something was... odd. Sky felt a slight rumbling behind him. When he turned around, he saw a pink-ish wall in front of him coming closer and closer. He looked up and couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a familiar face.
"Star!? D-did you just..." Sky gasped, unable to finish what he wanted to say.
"Hehe, sorry. I just... wanted to see how big I can get. Curiousity got the better of me," Star giggled as she already reached the ceiling, growing much faster than Flora. Star had to kneel down just so she won't burst trough.

"Amazing! You're already much bigger than I am!" Flora shrieked with joy.
"Why don't you try one too? Aren't you just a 'little' curious?" Star giggled jokingly, proud of her little pun. Sky closed his eyes for a moment. The two girls watching him in anticipation, growing bigger with every second. He opened his eyes and decided to join them.

"Alright, fine. Here goes nothing," Sky said nervously and started eating the mysterious berry he was holding.
Just a few seconds later, Sky felt a tingling sensation in his stomach as the effects of the berry started expanding his body. "W-woah!" he cried. His face turned from slight regret to actual excitement as he filled the room very quickly; before his head burst through the ceiling of the underground cavern in mere minutes.

"Wooow! Look how big he got! And he's still going!" Flora said with excitement. Star nodded in astonishment. Although they now have outgrown the cavern themselves, Star was barely reaching Sky's knee, and Flora was just a third of Star's current height.

"Do you think we'll ever catch up to him?" Star wondered, taking a booming step out of the cave, or at least what remained of it.
"I mean, we are still growing too! Maybe we're late bloomers and we'll experience an explosive growth like he did? And maybe even surpass him? That would be sooooo cool!" Flora squeaked, hopping uncontrollably with excitement.

Time has passed and all three wingtails were still getting bigger. Flora was now two times as big as the tallest tree, Star about five times as big as her. Sky however was on a whole different level. He has grown so massive that these tall trees were just small blades of grass to him and there was no ending in sight. One thing was for sure: This, was just the beginning...

~ o ~

Loooooong overdue commission for turbo-tails-8027
It is the 'origin story' to the galactic shenanigans you may or may not be familiar with (I actually never posted them here so I post the links below)~! :3

Also, this is the very first time I have EVER written a story, albeit short. English is not my native language so I'm sure it has tons of grammatical errors and wrong formatting, but I had lots of fun writing it. Maybe I should have proof-read it by someone first haha! :D But I hope you enjoyed it regardless~ ^_^

As for the picture itself, I think it came out quite nicely! :)
Big (heh) thanks to the commissioner for being a very, VERY patient and overall awesome person. You rock!

...And now for the 'finale'~ >:3c

~ Related Pics:
Cosmic Giants
Sky's Universe

Commissioned by: turbo-tails-8027
Characters, Story & Art © Hakunaro
● Please do not copy, edit, distribute or upload elsewhere without my permission! Ask me first. ;]

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    This is adorable 💙

    • Link

      Thank you~! ^_^

  • Link

    I don't know about you guys, but I think these ones are starting to "grow" on me. 😂