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Ruben's Mechanism by Hajinn

Ruben's Mechanism


Interstellar Identification Log - Build 10b

N a m e: Imani Amadeus Vanderhall

S o b r I q u e t: Derivatives of ‘Mani’, ‘Vander’, ‘IV’, and ‘Four’

A g e: 37 (in Bipedal Years), [REDACTED] (in Canine Years)

D a t e o f B i r t h (Based on Sol III/Orion IV Calender): March 21, 1975

H e i g h t: 5’11” – 1.8m

W e i g h t: [REDACTED]

S p e c i e s / R a c e: Springer Spaniel

M u t a t i o n s (If Applicable): Hypoallergenic

G e n d e r: Female

E m p l o y m e n t: Particle Physicist, Professor @ Rorschach University

S u b s i d i a r i e s: TajLabs

K n o w n A f f i l i a t e s: Hadron Corporation

P r e v i o u s T i t l e(s): Shuffle (Part of the duet steppers: Shuffle and Flow)

S e c o n d a r y T r a d e: Moonlit Martial Artist Instructor, Photography, Web Design

G e n e a l o g y: Vanderhall-Florence

P r i m o g e n i t o r s: Martin Vanderhall and Jessica Florence-Wyatt

C u r r e n t C h a r g e: Tahajin Grandville

P r i m a r y L o c a t i o n: New Cavae

V i s i b l e A c c o u t r e m e n t s / N o t a b l e T r a i t s: HUD-Augmented Glasses (Hyperopia Convex), Navel and Tongue Piercings (Barbells), Prominent Facial-Neck Freckling, Null-Void Laptop Case

T i m b e r (Enforcement Notoriety): In Moderate Standing

R e l i g i o u s D e n o m i n a t i o n: Irreligion (Agnosticism)

S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n: Straight

R e l a t i o n a l S t a t u s: Single


Pure magnanimity and blitheness entirely uncharacteristic of an ‘only-child’, Imani Vanderhall can easily be defined as a sweetheart. Her affable, near-Samaritan level kindness precedes her, as does her sophistication. Obedience and loyalty are indicative of her race and she exemplified them both growing up, though she always possessed a rather low tolerance for inanity – which led to her feisty, soloist nature during her adolescent years (and her eagerness to drain such irascibility by ways of martial discipline). Her intelligence and the grades she accrued betrayed some of the activities she engaged in. Outside of martial arts, Imani was also an ardent clubber during the dancehall’s heyday, but as attendance dwindled, so did her involvement. However, she did pull an invaluable friend from the jiving affray: the late Cheyenne Grandville.

Graduating as the salutatorian from her college preparatory in lower New Cavae, Imani swiftly moved to the University of Central Xiphos which, to her dismay, was simply a party school masquerading as an esteemed college. Despite the despicable attitude of the students, Imani did discover her propensity for the physical sciences, particle theorem in particular. At the harrowing conclusion of her Freshman year, Imani sought out a more structuralized institution with a stronger faculty constitution – and found just such an establishment in Rorschach University in Old Cavae. While the equipment was antiquated compared to UCX, RU’s staff was far more dedicated and prioritized instruction over student appeasement. This mentality won them no points with the vast majority of the student body, but it absolutely delighted Imani. Her five-year program at RU left her with a stronger sense of colleague value (where before she was gung-ho about doing everything by her lonesome) and paved the road to her doctorate and love of all things technologically considered ‘archaic’. Her studies were interrupted, however, by an old friend’s plight.

11 years after the incident, Imani had clinched her Ph.D. in Particle Physics and now works for the same university who gave her a fresh, refined start – all while managing to rear a six-year-old possat to maturity. Under her instruction, not only is Tahajin a force to be reckoned with, he’s also a well-educated and cultured hybrid with wisdom a decade beyond his years and a company pioneering multiple branches of science. Now that her busy schedule has lightened up, she’s found the time to rediscover old interests and uncover new ones. Photography and CSS quickly became her hobby as well as her forte along with florescent acrylic painting. Imani never stopped making advances in her trade, however – striving to solidify quantum theories and revise standard models of subatomic particles and their respective equations/mechanisms – using polymorphic organisms, such as Tahajin, as a basis for her studies.

Art © OliSnowpaw

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