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Blow's Grand Tour Of Equestria 2/7 by Gorix The Hipponian

Blow's Grand Tour Of Equestria 2/7

Gorix The Hipponian

Stop Two: Trotslvania

For the plane that left New Horseleans but it was fun spending time with Mud Pies, landed right in the heart of Trotslvania! The dark heart of Equestria, was boundless horrors and evils roam free! My first night was unspectacular though, lodged in the sleepy Buckula Von Pony Inn.

The next day I decided to do some exploring, and I ended up lost… again. Fortunately (Or so a thought) I found an old abandoned castle right around nightfall. Unfortunately is was populated by twin Vampire Pony sisters Demos & Phobos. Phobos is a thin and pretty one but for me, Demos looks marvelous as a big massive she carrying massive belly, breasts, and butt and is very attractive what am I saying if they both are hot and attractive as twins.
The night started off fine, they invited me in and bring lots of meals. So I was accepted to let them feed me as many delicious goodies as Trotslvania's culinary can offer me.

Phobos: Aww what a handsome stallion

Deimos: Who doesn't afraid of us

Phobos: You are so handsome and beautiful at all that

Deimos: a Massive body that we should feed you nicely.

Blow Grenade: I will enjoy trying all the delicious goodies you can feed me. I loved to try & taste so many foods from many Countries in all the beautiful Equestria we are all living in.

After that short chat talk with the twin sisters, they summon lots of cakes & many so much delicious food that will help his weight gain bigger and fatter.

Phobos: My my my… don’t tell me you’re…

Deimos: still a hungry little boy?

Phobos: I wonder if he knows…

Deimos: how many Bloody Velvet Cakes…

Phobos: he’s eaten.

Blow waddled from Leadisiana to Trotslvania only to be fed again at the hands of two Butter Bats. And Still, want to waddle to a few more countries to be fed again and again only to feel kind attention from them.

Art, Deimos & Phobos by dwgahagan
Blow Grenade© Me

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