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Blow's Grand Tour Of Equestria 1/7 by Gorix The Hipponian

Blow's Grand Tour Of Equestria 1/7

Gorix The Hipponian

Stop One: Leadisiana

Leadisiana is unlike any place in Equestria, right in the middle of the Hayseed Swamps, many of the locals live and die off the swamp. When I first arrived, all I saw were old shacks and boat docks, and unfortunately, I meet her.

I was asking Miss Pies if should I try all the local delicious food they offer and she accepted treating me nicely and kindly because I like to eat healthy to be big and strong as the big fatty stallion who I am and so she said.

Mud Pies: Boy, ain’t never seen a feller so hankerin’ tah eat some of mah great-grannies Peanut Butter, Cheese, and Lard fried sandwiches… you’re ah actin’ like yer bulkin' up for somethin’.

Blow Grenade: Why yes I am bulking to look bigger and stronger and feel a lot better. I become what I eat and what am I eating is delicious good food that works well in my body.

Art & Mud Pies by dwgahagan

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