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Practicing with Yin by Glitch

Practicing with Yin


Was practicing a bit with Arayin. The idea was yo use someone else's style and see what I could learn.

What I learned, of course, was "don't." Also I learned that I made her people-arm way too goddamn long. Son of a fuck.

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Visual / Digital


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    its still pretty good though

    well from what I have learned about arms so far though was that if you put your arms in the natural standing up position then the wrist will come just past the waist.
    the only problem with it is the elbow placement but unless its some kind of strange creature it should also come somewhere in between the forearm and the "upper arm"?....

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      well, the general rule of thumb is that the longest finger's tip should end at a point between halfway and 2/3 of the way down the thigh, and I pretty much fucked that XD I was focused too much on the hips, unfortunately.

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        well the hips don't lie- haha Shakira joke anyhooo . its alright I don't really follow sometimes the length wise but, when I do I kinda look how my arms and because I work in a grocery store I tend to watch how people walk and the way they sway their arms and such. and I just noticed how the wrist is located and because when I draw arms. I start at the shoulder to wrist. your art looks amazing though. just thought Id offer my two cents XD