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Purple fennec fox twins by gingerpepp

Purple fennec fox twins


So, here are two of my absolute oldest furry characters in existence. I created Judiah shortly after SilverWing, and she was used in some RPs back with some old friends from the Beast Wars days as we transitioned into DBZ/Dragonlance/Furry stuff. These two were made up around 1999 as I was creating some of my first furries. And I just had to make up a purple fennec character because well, a) purple, b) I love fennecs something fierce, c) I love gothy mopey and badass characters.

And I had decided that Judiah would have an identical twin sister named Libriah. Judiah is the timid and quiet character of the two. She used to be like my Delu back then. She's shy, melancholy, withdrawn, quiet, a bookworm and a scholar. Libriah is the opposite, she's a high school drop out, punk rock badass drummer in multiple bands, living the rocker life. She is in many ways, her sister's guardian. So basically, the brains (Judiah) and the brawn (Libriah).

And yes their names were yanked from the APC Album "Mer De Noms" with "Judith" being Judiah, "3 Libras" being Libriah, and their last name Orestia being "Orestes." see I tell people I suck at names and it's true, I just steal them from Tool and APC. ;p

((Also they are meant to be the same height, let's say Libriah is wearing some heels ;P ))

((Also they are meant to be the same height, let's say Libriah is wearing some heels ;P ))

Huge thanks to Ghost (over @ FA --> for getting me off my ass and making me feel like drawing again!!!! Up next, Judiah and Tatsuya!!! (And horrorshow Vincent and Tiras are so incoming I have a sketch done of them I think you're gonna like but MUST COLOR IT FIRST MUAHA)

Judiah, Libriah and Art © JGF 2014

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    Fennics! I love me some colorful fennics. Also, i love the fact that you can somethin of the character's personality through subtle differences in stance and poses. Wonderful!

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      YOU are the best!! I was trying to portray their differences through their poses, with Judiah being guarded and Libriah being like "I don't give a fuck" and I'm so glad you can see that! <3

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        You do it extremely well, and it's difficult to translate such subtleties into poses. :D
        moreplz! but i always feel that way