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Hopelessness by FurryJackman



If a raccoon who has wronged some people in his past is only seen as shifty and untrustworthy, then there's no reason to motivate one's self for the better...

I am under crippling severe depression. I just lost my social worker. I have no one to really talk to for help. I am in genuine mental pain and all I hear from people is to literally "be a man" rather than be "weak." My Asperger's isn't helping the situation. In fact it's the unique combination of both of those that makes it seem that I'm stubborn in people's eyes, when in fact it's those two combined that makes it seem like that to the rest of the world.

I lost my job with both the conventions I love, BronyCAN and VancouFur. My internal motivation that I had left to make a computer as means of self-therapy isn't working cause a part I ordered isn't coming in, and I found out a crush of mine of 3 years is a lesbian. All this pain adds up, and with an abusive dad on top of that, it isn't helping the situation at all.

I just got back from the hospital and I just had to lose my social worker right after I got discharged. I've given up. What's the point of life anyways if I can't save myself cause my depression has taken over my life? I'm bedridden everyday, while I get abuse hurled at me that I'm "lazy:"

I'm once again genuinely hurt and in pain. I don't expect any sympathy cause I've spent each person that has tried to help me, so I don't deserve anything.

I'm all alone.

I'm unloved.

Submission Information

Visual / Photography


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    I am so sorry to hear you feel that way. Is there a way to go to a different social worker?

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      What use are they anyways? They're not trained for the unique combination of problems I have...

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        maybe to feel less alone? Maybe talking to them will help a bit.

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          Only a real Psychiatrist can help now, and I can't afford one.

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    Wow, sorry to hear that. Don't give up, things can only get better at this point.

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    It's September 2018 and I'm still not "fixed." I had to become a Hikikomori just to cope, by cutting off nearly all social contact. What use is social contact if nobody trusts you?

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    Due to a incident at VancouFur 2024, this submission has become newly relevant... with a twist... This time I'm also facing eviction by my homeshare providers after moving out of my parent's home.