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Original Fergus by foxboyprower

Original Fergus


So this is description is definitely written out of character. But it's important, because this is a picture of my first fursona (er.. scalesona?), Fergus.

When I made Fergus, I just made a character that was.. well me. Being on the internet, he was just my face. I didn't know enough about furries for roleplaying stuff. I would make Achaius for those purposes later. 
So to this day, Fergus is mostly just me in real life. 

My furry friends that've known me for years might know that I'm basically always in character as Achaius, (and I'll type everything else in paranthesis like this). 
That's because even today, I find it really weird to go from weird furry cuddling to talking about really serious or technical topics with the same characters. 
If I was pretending to be a cute pikachu being carried around, I would find it really weird for me as that pikachu to start talking about which states still have the death penalty. I don't want my cute fursona talking about serious stuff like that.

So I'll type that stuff in paranthesis to show that I'm no longer speaking as Achaius. And when asked, I'll say that's Fergus talking. Occassionally I'll explicitly type "[Fergus]" before those messages about serious or technical topics.
But I think most of my friends haven't actually seen what Fergus looks like. And it turns out I've never posted their picture to all of my art galleries.

So this is Fergus! He's the smart one. And this is the first picture of him ever.
created: 2011-May-29

This was a birthday gift!
This was done by an old friend, Ross. (Deviant Art, Patreon, YouTube)

characters: Fergus (me)

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