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Dream Monster/Creature by FelisRandomis

Dream Monster/Creature


I had these powers that were given to me at the beginning of the dream. I don't know who gave them to me but he did and It was awesome at first.
and these military like personnel were coming after me and wanting it and trying to capture me
the monster didn't show up till close to the end. Apparently he was a leader/boss or something. All white with black red eyes.
and even though i tried to get away, he cornered me on a building top.
There was some talk but i only remember suddenly having an epiphany and asking him if he knew of the "syndicate"
That's when he made the 'that's classified' face. He sounded disbelieving.
When i told him i wasn't who he thought i was, he turned half way liquid as shown and moved alarmingly fast and slammed into me, knocking me back, screaming in my face (see drawing)
It was a bit terrifying lol. I told him no over and over as he yelled his angry shocked questions.
He dropped me and stood up. He was about 2 ft taller than myself.
He looked off into the sky and didn't say much. I was able to stand up and he looked at me with his normal face (top right)
He didn't say anything, but then the dream ended, but the rest of the dream before he showed up was basically just me trying to get away from military like people.

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Visual / Sketch


  • Link

    Wow, that's one detailed dream. I can't remember dreams half that well.
    He kinda reminds me of Deoxys... either attack forme or speed forme. Well, at least until his face opens up like that.

    Maybe that's just my imagination?

  • Link

    What an interesting nightmare creature.