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Cosmic Glow by farorenightclaw

Cosmic Glow


Christmas commission for Rooth - or should i say, birthday/solstice commission! Finished this one just in time, phew.

Rooth wanted something glowy of one of his characters and a second character. i love Rooth'ragon and have wanted to draw him for a while, so he was the natural first choice. i looked over his suggested themes, decided that SPAAAACE could be glowy, and after conferring with Rooth, went with Ionytrix for the second character.

(oh my god, a picture of Io with someone else where it's NOT planetminding them?! blasphemy! ..though apparently we might do that later...)

i had a lot of fun with this, though the lighting was hard to figure out, in the end i decided to go for mostly ambient occlusion and almost no drop shadows in order to simulate the ambient light of glowy, glowy space without any nearby stars or moons to cast harsher light.

The bg for this is a series of the Hubble telescope's public domain photos stitched together and overlaid into one glowy starfield :D

Rooth'ragon belongs to Rooth

Ionytrix, artwork (c) kWilson 2012


  • Link

    GLOWY! =) Man, you put so much work into this, and it looks marvelous. ^_^ Oh you should see it projected on my wall, hee hee.

    • Link

      too bad a photo of it on the wall wouldn't do much justice! i'm happy like it :3 would you like a collection offer for it?

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        Oh, yes please!