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Dragon hoodie by FamiliarAlien

Dragon hoodie


This was suppose to be part of a tile background but I've kinda lost interest in doing the rest for now. Maybe after I get more characters and species done I'll post an updated version with more to it.
Anyway for now enjoy a drawing of Darwin in a vastly different style than usual because I'm totally capable of drawing curves amazingly enough!

Entirety and all concepts related to it belong to Goatlactic

FINAL NOTE: while Darwin' alien species does breath through their skin which means they usually have to wear special textile based clothing for a top/shoes at least (their legs usually can deal with less oxygen) as long as they don't go running around they can wear any fabric honestly. Ginaga have a small set of lungs so they can in fact compensate for skin coverage. As long as Darwin doesn't go running around dressed like that they'll be fine. If they did run around though they would probably quickly start wheezing and get muscle cramps/spasm, not fun!

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    Super cute and didn't even know this was your work until after I viewed it. I guess I'm so accustomed to your 'pointy' angular style, haha! I very much enjoy both styles, you're an amazing artist!~

    • Link

      Aww, thank you :D yeah a few other people that saw this on other sites also stated they didn't realize it was mine because of my usual angular cartoony style. I should actually draw fancier stuff like this more often when I'm done character sheets (after the one I'm posting today I only have 2 left to do... not counting redoing the main characters but I'll probably do a bit later these year x.X)