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Flight Rising: Stingmouth by FamiliarAlien

Flight Rising: Stingmouth


Hey look something completely different I probably shouldn't have started when I decided to do an art cooldown because this ended up taking forever =A=;
Anyway since joining flight rising I noticed two things lack that I wish there was in dragon breeds there: aquatic dragons and ones with a significant sexual dimorphism (since most dragons have small ones at least). I'm not planning to suggest them as a species unless someone really wants me to, they were just kinda for fun idea for my preference rather than made for an entire website's use.
Won't write anything super long on them but I'll do an Encyclopedia type article:
Stingmouth dragons are a slow moving, shy and passive creature that tends to stay away from the rest of dragonkind. They originate from the deepest of deep areas of Leviathan Trench which most of these dragons remain.

Physical Attributes
Stringmouths size depends on if they are male or female. The female is a large dragon with quite some girth which mouth is lined in sharp numerous teeth and possess fin like barbels. The male is a mid-sized dragon with a long thin physique with very longe sharp teeth mostly present in the tip area of his elongated snout and possess 3 stud like horns on their neck sack. Both males and females are adapted for ocean life and have limb fins, webbed feet and a chest sack which is inflate with water to scare predators and rival dragons. All stingmouths are nearly blind and use their lure to both attract prey and see more accurately in the deeps.

Stingmouths live in immense schools consisting of only their breed often run by a few matriarchs as they are considerably larger than the males. Every year they will migrate almost the length of the entire planet and will return sometime later, the reasons for this are only known to those of their kind. They are a quiet and unsure outside their school and will flee from other breeds when approached.

Stingmouth dragons make deep underwater caves their home, they do little in the way of constructing and instead rely on finding these locations as they are.

Stringmouths are easily spooked and will avoid almost any confrontation. If this is not possible they will employ a "hit and run" strategy of ramming opponents and attempting to flee once again. As a last resort they will use their powerful jaw and teeth to snap their would be attacket in half. Unlike many breeds stingmouths have very soft scales but their scales are very elastic and resistant to scratches and cuts. Avoiding conflict with this breed is your best tactic to dealing with them but elemental attack work too.

Btw if you didn't figure it out their head lure is actually their elemental colour indicator instead of eyes. So the adult male is lightning, the adult female is wind and the baby is light. So enjoy! I will get back to sci fi stuff now :U

Flight Rising belongs to Stormlight Workshop
breed idea by me

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Visual / Digital