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The Daily Beep - Driver's License by Evianrei

The Daily Beep - Driver's License


Five years ago I finally took the leap and got my drivers license. I was tired of having to wait on other people and tired of being a burden on others asking for a ride. I actually made it a requirement to have my license before I had any kids which was a goal of ours as a couple. 

I've gotten pretty confident driving. Not the greatest, but I'm not afraid to zip off somewhere to get something or take my kids places. Living at the apartment has taught me how to park between cars and back out carefully. Though Mewrei still grabs the 'oh *$&@!' handle when I drive LOL. I'm learnin'. 

I used to be afraid of driving, but after five years I've really gotten over it. The freedom driving myself places outweighs the fear of something bad happening. I don't think I could ever go back. I'm a person that likes to be early to events and appointments rather than late. Relying on others would stress me out because most people prefer to arrive at the time or fashionably late to things. Sitting around waiting on others was not fun. On top of that there was the guilt of being a burden to others. 

No matter what someone tells you or what you tell yourself, if you're relying on someone for rides, you are a burden on them. That sounds harsh, but think critically about it. They now feel responsible for your well being and ability to go places. They have to schedule their day around you or change things around to accommodate you. If you don't like considering yourself a burden, and that term offends you, then start being more independent. 

If you're afraid of driving, just take the leap! I took a class and had Mewrei take me out to big parking lots to learn. Each time you go out the less scary it is. 

I understand some people cannot drive and this isn't a message to them, but I've been that person (and met quite a few) who just bum rides because it is easier (or so I thought). 
If someone has been chauffeuring you around for a while, buy them a tank of gas, say thank you, do something. Ask them if they can teach you.

Mewrei and I have been living by an important quote and it helps a lot. 

Don't ask someone to do something for you that you wouldn't do for yourself. 

If you wouldn't drive yourself somewhere, or pick something up for you, why are you asking other people to do it? 

Apply that to everything in life. 
If you wouldn't do it for you, don't put that on someone else. 

To everyone who gave me a ride, thank you for enduring the cringe that was me at the time. No offense to y'all but I hope to never catch a ride with you again, LOL. 

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    I'll turn 35 this year, and I still never tried it, being too afraid ...