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Introducing: Mouse Erika by ErikaFuzzbottom

Introducing: Mouse Erika


I have this fantasy of being a cartoon mouse living in a furnished mouse hole. A couple months ago, I was able to fulfill that fantasy [in VR Chat], using a white mouse avatar that I eventually modded. I enjoyed the experience and the mod enough, I decided to adopt the avatar as an alternate form of mine.

This won't likely become my primary fursona, as I've learned that [I enjoy being a bigger animal more.] But I'll definitely revisit being a li'l mouse from time to time.

As for this art, it'll do as a ref sheet for now, though I need some practice at drawing the mousey proportions I have in mind. Which'll be difficult, as I need practice drawing proportions, in general. This is my first time drawing in a while, and my drawing mood tends to not last long. I'm hoping to really get back into drawing, someday.

And yes, apparently Crayola's and Rose Art's "light browns" are not the same. I had to buy both sets of colored pencils to get the colors I wanted. It worked out, as I normally have red hair, and the reddish tint of Rose Art's light brown works better with my brown fur.

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Visual / Traditional