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Butt Girl - TF Story by Erika, Animation by ceya by ErikaFuzzbottom

Butt Girl - TF Story by Erika, Animation by ceya

I couldn't move, yet I didn't feel restrained. I couldn't see, yet there was no darkness. I couldn't breathe, yet I didn't feel out of breath. My body felt alien, yet held a familiar shape.

I felt a claw poke at my body. "Whoa, it worked. Is that really you in there?" The voice belonged to a brown & white malamute/goat girl named Ginger. I myself am normally a black & white spotted skunk/dragon girl named Erika. She's several years older than me, but we're pretty close, almost like sisters. Well, now we're even closer.

You see, Ginger finds it really neat that I'm a halfbreed skunk. She wanted to find out what it was like to have the infamous spray that folks like myself have. And while there are spells and potions out there that could've changed her into a skunk, I decided to donate my own spray in a fun, but very weird way.

From an outside perspective, it would look like she's laying on her belly, talking to her butt. And, she is. I'm her butt.

A very temporary situation, mind you. Thanks to a magic spell we bought, I am now spending the weekend with her, living life under her tail. The spell allows me to retain sentience through the whole experience, as well as any senses of my choosing. It was Friday evening. Meaning that on Sunday evening, the spell will wear off, and I'll find myself back to being my own person. Thankfully, the spell was a simple one, tailor-made for our specific desires. Don't wanna risk a disaster with experimentation.

That said, no amount of planning could prepare me for what it's like to actually go through with it. Don't get me wrong, I was definitely excited for this! To have a simplified life as a physical part of someone else, built for purposes that I could only endure as a body part. It's like a thrill ride, and all you can do is hang on through the twists and turns. But like any thrill ride, those first moments when the ride starts up are the scariest. That feeling of, "oh crap, we're really doing this."

It had probably been a minute since becoming Ginger's butt that she started getting up off the floor. The transformation had been performed with her belly-down and me sitting on her butt, sinking into it. This was the first time I felt my now-rounded body move, as she worked her legs beneath me to rise up. Then there was more twisting and turning, as she tested out her movement. The way my body squished and flexed was so surreal, far more than any transformation I'd experienced before.

It was admittedly a bit much for me all at once, and I wanted to ask her to ease me in. I couldn't, though. While the spell could have allowed me to communicate with her telepathically, I chose not to have that ability included, as I don't like the idea of anyone reading my mind. One stray embarassing thought, and whoops!

"This is so cool. You're okay in there, right?" .... "Nevermind, silly question."

My body then started shifting some more, this time with more of a rhythm, and I could hear the light hoofsteps of her walking across her house, as well as a light jingling of a bell above me (she wore a blue collar with a golden bell, her only article of clothing). Moments later, the movements stopped. "Wow, look at you. You're really my butt now. I have a skunk butt!"

I felt some tugging atop my... forehead? For lack of a better word, we'll go with that. The back-and-forth tugging was obviously her tail wagging. I couldn't feel the tail itself, though. My sense of self disappeared beyond the boundary of her behind. My back was internal. Not sure where it ended specifically, though my stomach felt kinda weird.

The rest of my body... the best I can describe it is, it's butt-shaped. Merged into a fleshy blob, and parted down the middle. I'm pretty sure my fur is still black. Maybe also got some white splotches. The specifics of the spell keeps my original fur colors. I would've liked to have taken on Ginger's fur pattern, and look like her normal butt, but merge spells aren't allowed to hide people like that, apparently.

I was suddenly surprised by the feeling of Ginger's hand pressing against my left cheek. "So weird. You don't feel much different than my normal butt." Her other hand pressed against my other cheek, and she started pushing my cheeks around. I don't know which was stranger: being squished like a butt, or wanting to giggle while not having the reflex to do so. Either way, I felt a little more at ease about the situation. That didn't last, long, though...

"Actually, there IS something different about you." As she let go of me, I felt some very familiar muscles move within me, and my ease turned into panic. Not because these were MY muscles she was controlling (though that certainly was jarring). What made me panic was that these my spraying muscles!

With no control over my muscles, and no way to communicate with her, all I could do was hope she didn't go too far. I mean, giving her my spray WAS part of the reason for this transformation. And I was actually kinda looking forward to the experience from this perspective. But I sure as heck didn't want her to accidentally stink up her own house!

Thankfully, she didn't, and I felt my skunk muscles relax. If I could've, I would've given a sigh of relief. ...Though maybe it's for the best that I couldn't.

(As an aside, I wouldn't want my face near someone's butt, so that makes BEING one extra weird.)

At this point, I was beginning to have second thoughts about this. Or at the very least, maybe we should've set some ground rules. Ease me in, don't get anxious with that spray. Anything else? Can't think of anything. Hopefully there won't be anything else to add to the list.

"Okay, are you ready for that bath?" Oh yeah, this part. My transformation into her butt was intended to be a secret, you see. Ginger planned on showing me off to her friends later on, and I didn't want them to know I was her butt. Part of the experience of being a body part is to be treated as one. I mean, I wanted to be treated well, of course. But you don't talk to a person's butt; they just happen to have one. Granted, Ginger knows I'm her butt, but there's no helping that.

Anyway, the reason for the bath is because Ginger's friends are furs like us. If my scent still lingered on me, her friends would become suspicious. So the plan was for Ginger to take a bath, and wash off my scent, hopefully leaving only her own.

There was a little more movement, and I heard the sound of water filling a tub. I could also hear the sound of her bell landing on something. I'm guessing she took off her collar. Then, she got in the tub. This is where I would get my first taste of life as a butt.

With no sense of sight, I also had no idea how far I was from reaching the water. The anticipation was like reaching the top of the climb on a roller coaster. And then, there it was, water suddenly entering my world. The tub's rubber mat soon followed, and I found myself supporting Ginger's weight for the first time.

It wasn't at all uncomfortable. Surreal, yes, but not uncomfortable. I was made to be sat on, after all. And then there was the water rising around me. I felt... actually kinda relaxed. Even as I found myself completely submerged, there was no sense of panic. No sense of holding my breath. Butts don't need to breathe. Ginger was doing that for me, safely above the water's surface. So I just relaxed, listening to the dulled sound of the water filling the tub, and enjoying its warmth.

I wonder if Ginger takes bubble baths. Given her playful attitude, it wouldn't surprise me. Kinda made me wish I could blow some bubbles of my own. Well, I probably could, but I don't think anybody'd like that.

The water eventually was turned off, and there was plenty of shifting and moving in the tub as Ginger washed herself. I'd feel her weight more on one cheek, and then the other. The whole time, I could hear her talking to me, but it was kinda hard to make out from all the activity underwater.

Eventually, she got around to washing me. The experience kinda reminded me of when I was younger. There was this one time that I said a "bad word", and as punishment, I had my mouth washed out with soap. That wasn't exactly a tasty experience. Do parents still do that? I don't think they do. It's probably not healthy. Now that I'm a more literal "potty-mouth", though, I don't have to worry so much about swallowing soap. I mean, I still would've rather had mouthwash, but like I said, this is just a part of my life, now. At least for a couple days. And besides, regardless of whether I'm a butt or a person, being clean is a nice feeling.

Ginger soon got up, and my underwater world was replaced with air. Take a deep breath, and... no wait, still don't got no lungs. Ginger's bath was followed by a shower, to rinse the soapy water out of our fur. I do so love hot showers. This would absolutely be my favorite part of being a butt!

Eventually, the shower was over. I wanted to giggle again, as Ginger shook herself partly dry -- what a fun experience that was! Of course, shaking will only get you so dry, and I soon found myself dried with a towel, once again feeling my body pushed and shoved in a way that I wasn't used to. Not a bad experience, but still weird. And then came the blow dryer to finish the job. Mm, that felt nice.

There was a jingling of a bell as Ginger put her collar back on, and then more movement. If I could see, I imagine I'd get a rear view of us leaving the bathroom. Without my sight, though, I had no idea where this ride was taking me.

"Here's the outfit I was telling you about." Outfit? Since when does Ginger have clothes? "This'll help hide you until I'm ready to show you off, AND we'll look cute at the same time!" Oh, okay, that makes sense. I probably do look out of place on her.

I soon felt Ginger's weight on me, again. A light creaking sound tells me that she's sitting on her bed. She shifted around on me, and I could hear the sound of fabric on fur. She got up, and I felt a pair of pants pulling over me. "Come on, get on..." The pants were surprisingly tight. Not uncomfortable, but very, very snug. Are pants normally like that? I don't wear pants. Haven't since I was little. They get in the way of my spray. Never thought the next time I'd wear pants, it'd be like this!

"There we go. A little tight, but they still work." No sooner did she say that than I heard the sound of ripping. I could feel the pants loosening around me, before my rounded body pushed through, jiggling ever so slightly. Now THAT was a weird experience!

"Aw, man! That's what I get for buying these at a thrift store." The torn pants were pulled off of me, and I soon heard them discarded on the floor. I'm... honestly a little bummed they didn't fit. I actually liked how my body was squished inside it. Really gave me feeling for my form. Comfy, too. (Don't tell anybody I said that, though.)

"Well, I still have this shirt. Maybe my friends will be distracted by it and they won't notice you." After a moment, I felt something brush against my fur up top. The shirt, I guess. I then felt the tugging of her wagging tail, again. "You do look kinda cute, peeking out from under there. I'll have my friends take a picture, later." Oh, I hope she does! I wanna be able to look at a picture of a butt, and know that butt is me!

The shirt left my field of awareness, and I found myself alone, again. "I'm gonna grab a little snack before bed. Hope you don't mind. How about some TV? I know you won't see it, but I can put on something with a lot of sound effects." After a trip to the kitchen, tail wagging the entire time, I found myself pressing against the seat of the sofa.

Woo, I had been waiting for this part! The tub and the bed were okay, but now I finally got to be used in a seat! Like, imagine sitting face-first in a sofa. That was my world just then. Granted, I couldn't see, but still, it was kinda neat. Not only feeling Ginger's weight on me, but also the cushion under me, as I myself acted as a cushion for her, tucked away at the back of the sofa. Who'da thunk that being a butt could be so comfy?

That said, the novelty kinda wears off after an hour of straight sitting. I mean, I didn't mind that I couldn't see the TV. It actually kinda reminded me of some mornings, when I'd lay in bed and listen to my family get ready for their days. But, it would be nice if I could check my phone, you know? I'm not lost without it, but the TV can only hold my attention for so long.

Also, I was wrong. There WAS a little bit of discomfort at a couple points. But, that meant Ginger was also uncomfortable, and she'd just shift her position and all was well, again. Kinda funny that, as a butt, I have no movement of my own, but I still gotta BE moved.

Don't ask me what she ate, by the way. She didn't tell me, and I haven't had the chance to find out, yet. Pretty sure I heard a spoon in a bowl, though. Well, whatever it was, I wasn't hungry for it. Can I even get food cravings as a butt? I don't really have the stomach for it, anymore. I haven't even had the urge to swallow.

"Okay, bedtime. Hope you're enjoying yourself down there, so far." She giggled and squirmed in the seat just to emphasize my position. I didn't mind. "Can't wait to try out your spray, tomorrow! Gonna show you off to my friends, hopefully see that movie. And don't worry, I won't tell them you're you."

I was pulled out of the seat, with Ginger's tail wagging a little. It may not have been my tail, but I agreed with its excitement. Tomorrow, I'd get the full experience of being a butt! Hopefully Ginger doesn't talk to me while we're with her friends. That might give me away.

We found our way into the bathroom, where Ginger brushed her teef. Strange to think I don't have those, right now.

And then there was the other reason we were in the bathroom. I'll spare you the details. I wasn't involved, yet, anyway. It was definitely an awkward situation, though. I am not the sort of girl who makes going to the restroom into a social event. I want my privacy. And I don't wanna be around when someone needs theirs. But, as a part of Ginger, there is no privacy between us.

That thought stayed with me as I was brought into bed, and hidden under the covers with the rest of Ginger's body. Being a body part isn't just about form and purpose. Like the name says, you are a part of somebody. And a part of their life. Wherever Ginger goes, I go. Whatever she does, I'll be a part of it, inactive or otherwise.

It's kinda neat when you think about it.

Last night, I dreamed person dreams. A skunkderg girl, like normal, seeing the world around me and doing person things.

This morning, I wake up to find that I'm still a butt. Motionless and blind, with only a few remaining senses. My body moving in a weird way as Ginger pulls us out of bed, her weight briefly on me before she stands up.

Oh gosh, this is real. Like, I thought being a person in my dream was real, but this is more real. I'm actually a butt. Okay, sure, last night was kinda fun. Trying it out, kinda being silly. This ain't no overnight thing, though! I'm going to be a butt for the next two days. And the only person who will know I'm actually a person is Ginger.

Granted, I know she'll treat me as well as she can. But that doesn't change the fact that I am still her butt. That means I'm going to have to live as one.

I mean, I'm still a little excited. But I'm definitely more nervous, now. There's a lot of twists and turns ahead of me. In fact, there's one coming up, right now. I can feel it in my "stomach". I knew what I was signing up for when I got on this ride, though. And there ain't no getting off until it's over.

Butt Girl - TF Story by Erika, Animation by ceya


Animation by [ceya] at Fur Affinity. Fave the original [here].

I may have changed fursonas, but I'm still gonna indulge in being a skunk from time to time. Likewise, being a skunk butt. It's just a weird and fun idea, and although it wouldn't be all sunshine and lollipops, I wouldn't mind being able to experience this for real.

For reference, [here is my skunkderg self] and [here is Ginger].

It's also super cool that I was able to get an animation of myself as a butt! Like, this ain't just a flat image. I'm seeing myself in flesh and fur, and how my body moves as a butt. It's such a well-done animation, too!

As for the story, I really wanted to describe everything I could about what it'd be like being a butt (while also remaining PG). And I feel like I've accomplished that! Even snuck in a reference to the shirt I was hiding under in a [previous butt TF pic that I got].

Submission Information

Literary / Story


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    Now I'm going to be wondering if parts of us are sentient! I can't make heads or tails of this, butt it is a well drawn picture/gif and an engaging story! Be proud of this, your artistic prowess and yourself, for I am!