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Shut Eye March - Skailla Fanart by Epic SaveRoom (critique requested)

Shut Eye March - Skailla Fanart (critique requested)

Epic SaveRoom

Check out the Speedpaint video!:

This is a fan art for @Skailla featuring her characters The "Devil", Martin, and Steban, from her projects such as No North and Shut Eye!

I really recommend checking out her art if you are not already familiar with it:


Characters used in this are copyright to :iconskailla:

So anyway, this concept has been in my head for awhile, and although this didn't really meet my vision for it, be it that I lack enough experience or whatnot, I still like it and needed
to get it into the tangible universe, haha.

This is a scenario where The Devil has captured or recruited Steban and Martin for her own personal gains, I have no actual knowledge of Skailla's future comics, this is just a fiction I made up. Nor do I know what would happen if the Devil caught them. Maybe they'd watch Game of Thrones together?

But in my version, they are like her personal army, I always intended Steban to have glowing red eyes, (cause he's the man, he should have the most devilish color) and I wanted to make the Devil's eyes kinda a purplish orange glow that matches her eyes at the beginning of the Shut Eye animatic, but for whatever reason I didn't make it work right, so she gets pink. I always envisioned Martin's eyes being blue. Actually wished I made them look more silver medallion colored, but what's done is done. Also I was going to do a more detailed shading technique but it didn't fit.

So world beware, these 3 are on the loose! And Skailla, I hope you like it, you and your characters rock! And if you have any suggestions on what I could have improved on in this too please let me know! It's my last fan art for awhile! I'll be working on Fallen World comic and animations next! Oh and the Blue Blood fan animation, but that's an epic project that nobody should expect too soon, haha.

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    wicked art style!! love the shading and glowey effects :D

    • Link

      Thanks a ton, that means a lot to me that you like it! :)