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Year of the God-Fox - Chapter 6 Cover by ElrondDrakendil

Year of the God-Fox - Chapter 6 Cover


Chapter cover for my on-going webcomic Year of the God-Fox. In Chapter Six we really begin to dig into the backstory of Meibei, one of our main characters. I remember I enjoyed this cover because of the simple composition, and the fact that I got to draw a face that was not young and clean-shaven.

Head on over to to read the whole thing! It's a for-pay comic, but there are free preview pages for all the chapters, and you can read the prologue for free right here.

Once you've done that, you can also read this chapter's Production Notes, wherein I go into all sorts of nifty details regarding the making of the comic.

You can also follow the comic's official tumblr for more updates and extras.


P.S. I've been asked many times if the fee is a subscription or one-time charge. The answer is: it is a one-time charge! You make an account, pay for whatever amount of content you want, and you get access to that so long as the site exists. You also gain the ability to comment on all the material you've paid to access, so you can leave spoilorific comments on the relevant pages—where they won't really be spoilers. ;)

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    Lo, Drakendil has made a comic that have me both paying to read it and publicly recommending it! No trivial feat, it takes reliably fantastic storytelling over a long time, for example, a year of the God-Fox. I applaud.

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      massive blushes Well golly I am flattered! But I am also glad you are enjoying it so much!