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Personality Split ~by Draygone by dray-and-erika

Personality Split ~by Draygone


(RL Draygone)
This is a picture I drew back in 2006 for a guy named HunterBahamut HunterBahamut, who is conveniently enough currently active right here on Weasyl. He has no idea I'm uploading this. =P

I drew this for him at DeviantArt at random because he happened to be my 6th watcher there. I really like the number 6, you see. I was 6 years old when I got my NES. It's also why Erika and I decided to start at that age when we age-regressed our charactrs. But anyway, I digress.

The story behind this picture is that I took his character Bahamut (using [this old picture] as a reference) and split his furry self into human and feral versions. The idea was inspired by a [really old chibi] picture he made of his character. The end result is that human Bahamut is rather missing his tail, while the now-naked feral Bahamut is quite glad to still have his.

Of course, I wouldn't find out until later that Bahamut actually has both a human and feral form. =P

Lineart took 7 hours, 30 minutes (a whole lot of fixing and erasing)
Coloring took 2 hours

Hunter Bahamut © Both of himself.

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Visual / Traditional