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2016: Year in Review by Doran Eirok

2016: Year in Review

Doran Eirok

Dark Doran may have contributed to the finer nuances of my review.

I'm not saying there haven't been good things here and there about the year. But between Trump and Brexit (and the associated mainstreaming of hated/racism/misogyny and fears for the future of civilisation across a range of topics and metrics) and the death of seemingly 3/4 of the beloved celebrities we've all grown up with... it's been a bit of a rough ride for a lot of us. We're coming up to Christmas now, so I'd be more than happy for December to find novel ways to turn things around and invalidate this artwork.

Anyway, here's a giant Dark Doran paw to act as some consolation at least. Stay safe out there, fuzzies.

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    Remember, Zootopia and Moana both came out in 2016.

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      This is very true. :) As I say it hasn't been ALL bad, and Zootopia was a big huge fluffy positive definitely. ANd Moana too by all accounts, but I still needa see that one! Didn't get a chance with everything that's been going on Definitely on the list to investigate when it makes it to disc though!

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        See it. You're a waterdragon too and you don't know you are till you see it. :3 Like part of my heart is in that movie. It's very pretty.

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          I definitely will do! :) And I will think of you when I do. Just annoyed it's another one we missed last year due to Life Happening At Inopportune Moments.