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EuroPod by Doran Eirok


Doran Eirok

My dear viewers, let us be honest with one another.

Despite all my self-indulgent Fast-&-Furious-meets-Mad-Max artwork, I do not, in fact, own a Ford Mustang. That remains an ongoing dream for some distant point in the future. It's an aspirational goal, and artwork is a fun way I can live the dream in the meantime.

What I actually drive at the moment is this.

It does not have a 5.0 litre V8. It does not have three-hundred-something horsepowers. It will not do 0-60 in under five seconds. And it most definitely does not have the aggressive road presence and compensating-for-my-myriad-insecurities manliness.

But it's mine. And that's worth a lot. Because, you know, love what you got.

It is a Peugeot 107, an adorable and plucky little Euro pod hatch thing powered by a 1 litre inline three-pot that drinks petrol and is too lazy to change its own gears, making that my problem to deal with. It doesn't exactly ooze POWERRRRRR but it's got enough character to stay interesting. Keep the revs above 3 or 4k and it'll reward you for it with a perfectly adequate amount of get-up-and-go, and an actually rather addictive spirited growl. Keep the revs lower and it'll get good enough fuel economy to, well, still get nowhere near what Peugeot and the mockery of an official testing cycle claim it will, but still plenty enough to put anything from my home side of the pond to shame.

I still immensely look forward to one day replacing it with something more sporty and 'me,' but in the mean time I still love the plucky little thing to shiny little bits. Because I'm me. Can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with and all that.

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Visual / Digital