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No, not actual babies. |D Sorry to any babyfurs who see this in their search results!

These are my favorite of my characters, Adrian and Dimas (collectively known as Adrimas, at least to me). <3 They mean so much to me, I don't think I could even explain in words.

Sorry for posting something SO sketchy here - normally I'd save that for my art Tumblr, but I wanted something of them on here. :3

Sooo I was tired of this just being a light sketch on white, so I decided to mess with it! Hopefully this looks a bit nicer now.

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Visual / Sketch


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    oh gosh, that smile could cure cancer. +o+ precious bby.

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      OH MY GOD these characters are the most precious to me so that means a lot. ;w; And I just think Adrian is, like. SO CUTE. He used to be a whiny brat but then he just grew up to be so adorable and EXCITABLE.

      ...HELP I'm in love with my own characters.

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        sdfsdf, I know that feel-obsessed with characters-. Ffff, and I love excitable characters~ He seriously looks precious. PLEASE POST MORE

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          ADRIAN IS HONESTLY MY FAVORITE EVER??? Although I really love Dimas too. But hnngh, he's just. MY TYPE. ;w;

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            sdfsdf I know that feeling with characters, my friend has 2 who I am PARTICULARLY OBSESSED WITH. sdfsf I love them so much, they're just perfect.

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              YEAH it's that effect. |D They're my OTP 4evrrrrrr.

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    Ohhhh those facial shapes are so cool; I love the chins!

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      Aaa thank you! Human(-ish) stuff is my favorite to draw so I'm happy to hear that! And these guys in particular are just very chin-y, LOL. I really like that about their designs. |D

      That actually means a lot becuase I think you have a great human/human-ish stuff style, so. Yeah. ;w;

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        It's awesome to see humanoid artists here, really. I know they're not like-- "scarce"-- but there could still be more so when I find people that draw humans here it's really cool so see some more diversity :D
        And PFFFFhrgjtrhth oh man THAT means a lot to me because I'm actually really insecure about how I draw people and want to get better at it <33 ; o ;

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          I know what you mean. |D FA's basically emptying out, so I think there's been a huge influx of furry stuff. I didn't really start posting here until a couple days ago, but I did browse the site back when I joined last year, and I think there weren't as many anthro pictures...? BUT ANYWAY, I love that there's more humans than on FA. I was always so sad about the lack of human/elf/etc. art. :C Anthros are cool, but not really my favorite?

          AAA NO YOUR STYLE IS CUTE. ;w; Like, I really like your icon, and your picture here, and also this and this... It's kind of a simplified style, but I really really like how you pull it off? IDK, I just love stylized stuff when it's executed well, and I definitely think your human-ish faces are great! It's not super detailed, but you hit all the nuances you need to make the face seem realistically structured enough to WORK.

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            Mhmmmm. I think that's definitely the case. Especially since the admins are into anthro stuff, I think that this site will just naturally obtain a lot of anthro artists through osmosis-- particularly with the FA staff fucking up big time
            But totally happy there's more variety here yessss

            And AHHHH thank you! ; u ;
            Idk how I fell into doing such stylistic art, but it just seems to work?? I still want to practice humans a lot more (I'm taking a figure drawing class soon actually) but I feel like I've gone a long way with it already ahahha
            And your art is super nice too! I still love how you do hair, and those busts of your pretty men AHHHH <33

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              Yeah! I just wish anthro stuff wasn't starting to dominate. |D

              I've been really struggling with that a lot lately - how stylized I want to do stuff. :C I want to MOSTLY just have one consistent style, but and I really like stylized stuff lately, but then I feel like stylized styles aren't always detailed ENOUGH for what I want, so...? Hnngh. :C

              You have no idea how happy it makes me that you seem to like them hngnhsdkfjsf ;w;