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A Fennec, A Folf & A Mutt by Dodge_Fennec

A Fennec, A Folf & A Mutt


--Originally Uploaded to FurAffinity June 2012--

A few weeks ago, the absolutely amazing roareyraccoon bequeathed unto me a set of Prismacolor pencils, which, if you know your art supplies is a BIG fecking deal.

So, I was in the process of what to make for my step boyfriend Holmgren13 and decided that I would use the Prismacolors to make him a picture of our little family dymanic. Him, me and wolfoxx wolfoxx

What started out as a simple picture exploded into a massive project after someone suggested that 1) there was too much white space and 2) I could do some sketches in crayon for a change.
Completely unrelated queries, but it led to this.

After the middle picture (where, admittedly I look like Eddy and Alek's adopted child :S) I started with our Watchdog personas at the top.
All taken from my Watchdog story, Darkest Hour, we have Alek as Gentleman Fox in Orange, Eddy as The Watchdog in Red and me as The Fennec Assassin in yellow.

Further down in green, following on from the joke about me looking like some kind of child in the main picture, we thought it would be funny if I was treated like that. In the green picture I'm protesting "But I'm 26!!!" as I'm bundled off to school ^^ Eddy's fulfilling a house husband fantasy of some description and Alek is tweeting my displeasure :P

In Purple, Alek shows off his firework making skills while me and Eddy hudle for cover in the bunker.
At the bottom, in blue, me and Eddy have fallen asleep while drawing/writing respectively,
and in pink, we have one of Alek's favorite past times, a picnic ^^ ... too bad tiny Fennecs look very appealing to passing hawks :S

So, Eddy's got a hard copy of this, and I've been waiting for AGES for the Royal Mail/US Postal service to deliver the damn thing so I could upload this digital copy.

But its done now ^^
Happy that Eddy likes it :3

I may add something like this to my Commissions list, but we would be talking WELL over $100

Drawn in fantastic Prismacolor and Staedtler crayons.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional