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Avatar for derpen


derpen / Quintsexual Non-aero-aro-demisexual-god Republi-kin on the aro-ace-of-spades spectrum of autism / Levittown, Washington, United States of Columbia

Donate because I'm oppressed, or else face the wrath of me robbing local stores of nail polish to destroy capitalism and end the oppressive patriarchy that kills over twelve-million women every hour.
Commissions: Closed
Trades: Closed
Requests: Closed


why do you even care
maybe i sometimes comment
and play a fun game with cells
you should check it sometime
pewdiepie played it
fucking pewdie
subscribe to pewdiepie
because he is so funny
even though nobody watches him for game play
or video games at all
they just watch him because he is funny
and i agree
on a scale from comprehensive to pewdiepie
on gamer professionals
i'd rate vinesauce (vsauce) at one and jack-septi-guy at 9.2
pewdiepie would rate a 0.1
because he is so based and intellectual
now i know what you're thinking
"how can pewdie be 0 and 10???>?"
because fuck you, that's why
he's baseds like the amazing atheist
not shit teir based like sargon of akkad or internet aristocrat
fucking gamergate
always crowding the world with sealoins and misoginies
i want them
because they probably killed anita sarkeesian
like at least 3 times
maybe that "iczer" character can conjure up new gamergate memes
not rape memes
funny memes
like "crybabby gamergater"
you know, the one with the autistic child
the same one that gamergate used to kill brianna wu twice
seriously gamergate
stop killing people
we know you use your "ethics accomplishments" as a ruse
a blanket
to hide
your true
secret plans
we know you work through the darknets
on secret ircs
you cannot fool us
"reforming ethics polices on multiple sites"?
don't make me laugh you did that to hide your misoginies
all 30,000 of you are all sexists
even the women
and we know youre force
to harrass like 21 times
holy shit gamergate your bad at harassing
but then youll agree and prove my point
we knead to stop this at the source
we need to shut down 4chan
all the chans
shutdown somethingawful because
that's where the elder oldfags came from and mixed their putrid behaviors with animes
seriously fuck 4chan
they didn't invent the memes
like reddit and 9gag did, lol no stop
your embarrassing yourself 4chin
like really you guys just raid twitch
and some rp hotel site
with liek swaztikis
like really channel4
stop now
or else i
will ddos you
my dad works at anonymous and he will dddos you all
like really nobody
lies on the internet
in the wise words of mario in mario kart double dash and ds when he throws an item:
"play the beans"
or "take a' these"
or "take a' this"
or "take is easy"



nonexistent piece of work that may or may not be a sarcastic joke
from M$ 1000.00
to M$ 1001.00

what is this i don't even know stop questioning just let it happenj



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