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/moo by Deriaz



World of Warcraft, I could never hate you.

Especially not when you let me be a Tauren who kicks things to death and loves his brew. (The temptation to be Panda everything is strong, but Tauren is stronger.)

Another fun doodle. I found what I believe to be a slightly better camera? Let me know if it's troublesome in any way. Still trying to find a solution for these larger-than-average drawings.

Moving on back into digital after this one, doing a few portraits to keep myself motivated.


(I apologize for the lighter-than-average thumbnail. I can't seem to get it to darken? It's like the opposite problem I used to have, where things would be too dark!)

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    WOW. I mean totally WOOOOOOOOOOW...the shading on this is impressive to the max! And the muscle detail is fabulous! I can only imagine how much better this looks in real life, since I know scanners and cameras generally never do traditional art justice!

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      I believe I got the shading fairly accurate, as best I could between my eyes and my monitor colors. But the original is a lot more crisp, it feels, which I don't believe I know how to fix (if it's at all possible, as I haven't heard of something like that) -- if I had a scanner that could fit this, that might help? I'm a bit ignorant to all that sort of stuff, though.

      Thank you! <3

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        You're very welcome! grins

        Being a traditional artist, I struggle hard with getting my stuff to scan as best as possible...scanners aren't too favoritable towards art (unless it is just inked lines, B&W scan well!) that is pencils or colors I've seen. chuckle

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          When I was working on my roommate's scanner, I usually had to set the scan to something nuts like 300 DPI, and then shrink it back down to keep the image crisp, if I recall correctly. It was never perfect, but it seemed to help. That might be an option? I don't know how many scanners offer that, though -- I know the one I now work with is from, like, the early 2000's or something. Isn't an option for me anymore. It could use an upgrade. So many things to save up for.

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            I hear that! It's hard to find just scanners anymore, to...most are all-in-one devices. They aren't very great for scanning things unless you've got a great program to use, like photoshop. I'm glad my old scanner still works (it's from the 1990's), even if it skews colors a bit.

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    Your pencil work is SO SOLID. Gosh.

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      I can't lie, pencils are sort of therapeutic for me. I made a note to go buy a new set (I only have HB, B, and 8B to work with, so my values are somewhat limited!), and to try and work more traditional into my practice. But something about pencil-work is just sort of calming. I really like it.

      Thank you~

  • Link

    Wow this looks absolutely fantastic! being a tauren myself I approve of this image. xD sadly didn't make him a monk :3 shaman all the way.

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      I started as a Troll Priest in Vanilla. Once the Cataclysm let me be a Tauren Priest, I never looked back. My monk is going to be my PvPer and attempt at doing the Loremaster achievement (the one thing I'd like to do more than anything else in the game).

      Thank you! I'm glad you like it. <3 Taurens 4 life.

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        Before I stopped playing I had quite the collection of achievements! loremaster isn't as bad as it seems compared to some of the other ones. and indeed Taurens 4 life! :D